[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191210/868910c476ed94014497b0307988fc18.png[/img][/center] Lucina cursed softly as the iron became excruciatingly hot to the touch forcing her to release her grip. A loud clang echoed throughout the small home as the fire poker hit the floor. Feeling a burning sensation she looked down at her hands to see burn marks where the poker had singed her flesh. [color=red]"How dare you."[/color] She said astoundingly. [color=red][i]How dare he disrespect me and then demand such a thing. Who does he think he is? Controlling people in such a manner with the utmost disrespect.[/i][/color] Lucina was dumbfounded by his atrocity. [color=red]"You disrespect my family and I, you cause me physical harm when I've done nothing wrong. Then after that you demand that I wed you?[/color] She spat at his feet. [color=red]"If you were kinder and less demanding I may have considered your request. However, I couldn't be more displeased or insulted. I refuse your demands. Now leave, leave me and my family and the rest of this lovely town alone."[/color] Lucina knew she was in no position to speak back to him in such a manner. He was of course powerful in more ways than one. None of this mattered to her. She would not stand there and allow this man to be so presumptuous.