All right. By the way, do you have any speculation on what the incense is made from, or its origins? It occurred to me to ask the question and I don't believe I've heard anything about it. Maybe Redgrave has something in his Bloodborne manifesto, I forget. I'm not too familiar with the game's cut content, though I remember one cut boss which looked a bit like the popular portrayal of Shub-Nigurath's dark young, as seen [url=]here[/url]. As for Lovecraft, it's never a bad time to read more of his stuff, or the authors he's inspired. Even some works that you may not immediately associate, like Conan the Barbarian, have some stories that lean quite heavily on grandfather HPL's ideas and are all the better for it. I really liked [url=]The Slithering Shadow[/url], for instance.