[h2][b]Falul ‘Taham - The [i]Immaculate Aegis[/i][/b][/h2] [hr] With the [i]Immaculate Aegis[/i] sitting between two opposing fleets of warships, and without immediate access to its slipspace drive, there was no time for subtlety or careful diplomacy. What was needed was quick and decisive action, and for that, Falul gave no hesitation. The [i]Aegis[/i] did eventually receive a response from the local Separatist fleet, which was just finishing arranging its fighters and capital ships into combat formations. They received video as well as audio, so Falul was able to see the green-skinned being that answered him. The ship’s AI quickly identified him as a “Neimoidian”. “You arrive here not moments before an Imperial fleet follows at your back? Do you take us for fools? What reason could I possibly have to believe that you-” Falul had no intention of making arguments to the Neimoidian, and given their delayed response, the thirty-six seconds required for the ventral lance to charge to full power had passed. No doubt, the Separatists had not been comforted by massive concentration of energy building around the weapon, but fortunately, the [i]Aegis[/i] had not been in range to be fired upon. For Falul to make his point, he had only to give a single, simple order to one of his officers. “Fire.” The fully-powered energy projector cut across the void in an instant, and hit straight through the center of one of the Imperial Venators in the distance. The intense, sustained beam pierced through the weaker ship’s shields, then bisected the hull from bow to stern before it could launch its fighters. Secondary explosions detonated from the center outwards, tearing the Imperial ship to pieces from within. Falul broadcast back to the Separatist fleet on the same channel on which they had responded, so they could now see the Sangheili as well. “Is that sufficient?” He asked, though he left no room for a response. “I am moving my ship in formation with your fleet. Should we hold for long enough against our enemy, we may receive reinforcements.” As the [i]Aegis[/i] accelerated towards the Separatist fleet, it unleashed a volley of long-range plasma torpedoes back towards another of the Imperial Venators, as well as beginning the charging sequence once again on its energy projector.