[h3]At the end of the spiders web[/h3] [@Pyromania99] The forest itself while usually silent, had its silence broke by the movement of the spider within it, As the arachnid would move crunching leaves underfoot and your travels would eventually reach a rather lucky clearing due to the natural jagged formation of a a few angled rocks of about 40ft extending out of the ground at a 45 degree angle. Indeed this looked like a spot most suitable. Though in order to use it, you'd have to throw out its previous occupant. Laying there under the ridge of rock was a bear, Not just any type of bear mind you, but a bear that looked like its muscles were about to burst out of its skin... Its four 'forelimbs' looked like they could break a tree in half with a mere flick of the wrist. Indeed the spider had quite the problem to deal with. Especially if the beast were to follow them back to the others and they didn't have a suitable means of dealing with it. [hr] For those of you that remained in the forest. The subject matter would likely be brought to food. Mostly because the foolish entity or mechanism that brought you to this world had neglected to feed all of you. And with the hours trailing on as you would work to gather supplies, Hunger and thirst would be things that would start to take effect. Even in the body of monsters only those with truly artificial bodies were exempt from the natural need to eat and drink. Lucky for the war-forged whom was eager to hunt and the band at large, With a bit of digging, perhaps from collecting the firewood, The Young Demoness would discover some animal tracks akin to hooves of a equine. This was made all easier by the fact she was much closer to the ground.