Holding onto the Vahla teen’s hand, whilst his own was being clung to by the Nautolan boy, the young Anzati trailed along with the Jedi in confusion and awe at the revelation of passages into the Temple he had never seen before. Perhaps he wanted to ask where they going. Perhaps he wanted to ask what was happening, or why it was happening. But none of that mattered. The youngling was overwhelmingly grateful for the comfort offered by so simple, so basic a gesture as offering a hand to a child. Both younglings huddled close to the padawan, even as they were urged and ushered onward. But neither boy voiced any complaint. It wasn’t safety, but they weren’t alone. That would do for now. The Jedi - the [i]real[/i] Jedi who were actual knights - were commenting on something, a point which had sailed well above the youngling's head. But it hadn't missed the red-haired teen that the boy was trailing so close to, who commented on it as well. Vader. Sith. That last was actually familiar, though it was a moment before Sor-Jan could recall why. The Sith were supposed to have been bad people, who fell to the Dark Side of the Force. Just what the Dark Side was, exactly, Sor-Jan wasn't precisely certain. He gathered however that, in general, the Sith had been [i]them[/i] and the heroic Jedi were the obvious [i]us[/i]. And, besides, hadn't that all been in history class, because it was... well... history? "I thought the Sith were all gone," the child voiced quietly, looking up at the padawan rather than the knights, as though expecting to have needed to have asked for permission before speaking.