[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191210/5e2ccee7db6a5a7726c5c10edc14a2c5.png[/img] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/ee0c817ef6d042773807c2077fc4ba41/tenor.gif?itemid=8336697[/img] [color=B0C4DE] ♢ ━ ━━ ━━━ ━━━━ ━━━━━ ━━━━ [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ce/f7/ee/cef7ee103b0eea2d650bdae65e3bcd1b.jpg]♢[/url] ━━━━ ━━━━━ ━━━━ ━━━ ━━ ━ ♢[/color] [/center] By 6 am, the Scott house was already in full force. His foster father, John, was already waking up everyone in the house while his foster mother cooked breakfast in the morning. It usually took the whole house an hour to fully wake up, get ready, and head down for breakfast. By the time Min Jun made his way down the stairs, he could already smell the strong coffee and bacon. Adapting to such a lively house had been a bit of a hassle. The Scotts were a lively folk that spoke a little too loud and laughed a little too hard, but they had welcomed him and his sisters. Breakfast was eaten shortly after a prayer then the kids were ushered away. Kyle, the oldest, had work a city over, so he was always the first to go. John always left shortly after talking to the girls of the family and wishing the, well. Then it was Mary who dropped off all the girls while Min Jun drove in his old run-down mustang he had repaired with the help of John and Kyle. Driving in the old scrap beat taking the bus or riding a bike down to school, besides the car, wasn't too bad. It just needed a paint job and some new seat covers. Just ignore screeching breaks, Min Jun would have to get to those later. Min Jun wasn't nervous about school. Not one bit. That is what he kept telling himself as he almost mounted a curb while turning right on the parking lot. Okay, maybe he was a little bit nervous. Just a little. He had already parked when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. After pulling it out, he saw the group chat already being spammed by Samantha. It was surprising to see her on time and awake after seeing her online past 1 am. [center][color=gray]To: Knights From: MinMin Eeyy, I just got here. Save me a seat! [/color][/center] With that text, Min Jun climbed out of his car, locked it manually, and began to make his way into the school. There were a few familiar faces he could already see. Hendrik and Aria were two of the people in his year. He didn't talk too much. He knew of Aria because she was in sports but much much about the former. Jordan, who had just greeted Aria, was a face he wasn't too happy to see. They had talked a bit before last year ended, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the guy was looking for something. Whatever- Min Jun gave the guy the nod of "we cool" as he walked past. [color=B0C4DE]"Hey,"[/color] Min Jun approached Samantha and Rich, a smile on his face. It had been some time since he had seen the two of them in person. While they constantly talked over the phone or Discord, it was so much better to see them in person. He gave Rich a bro hug followed by a normal hug to Sam. [color=B0C4DE]"You two looking hot as ever. Any of the others here yet? Bet the twins are gonna be late."[/color] After his brief greeting Min Jun turned around to look for any of the other Knights- and more importantly for Hope. The main source of today's anxiety. He had spent all summer trying to get a present ready for Hope to impress the guy. Ever since they had started talk Min Jun had the urge to get closer to him and get to know him better. Ever since he heard that Oliver- the guy with the funny accent- was close to Hope, he had started talking to him. Min Jun just really wanted to see Hope. Did he look okay? Was his hair parted correctly? Did his breath stink? Was his lazy eye too noticeable? Fuck, why was Min Jun so nervous? He kept tapping his fingers over his phone while he waited for the rest of the Knights with Sam and Rich.