[hr][hr][center][h3][color=cyan]Carolina Reed[/color] & [color=#DDA0DD]Antoinette McCarthy[/color][/h3] X-Mansion: December 19th, 2020[/center][hr][hr] It had been a few days since Wanda had changed the world back to normal, Carolina was in the art room just working on a painting. She closed her eyes for a moment letting out a slight sigh, she missed October so much in the other reality she was happy to be there. She was married and she had her own art studio which was what she always wanted to do. Her vision started to get a little blurry which made her feel dizzy and stumbled back a little bit, before finding a chair to sit on and tried to wait it off for now. It was just her in the room which she did enjoy as well the peace and quiet. Antoinette had just finished showering and braiding her hair when she made her way towards the art room. She hadn't seen much of Carolina today but that wasn't entirely strange lately. She missed her friend and felt poorly with drilling her with questions about what happened with Wanda. Antoinette had been rather concerned with the outcome and was relieved to know that things had turned out for the better and Wanda was working on a better life for herself. Still, she could have been a little more gentle with Carolina. Most of them had all re-lost loved ones with the world being turned back. Antoinette walked into the art room to find Carolina stumble back and sit down. She hurried forward and put hands on her best friend's shoulders. [color=#DDA0DD]"Lina? Are you okay?"[/color] Carolina turned feeling Annie resting a hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight smile and nodded towards her friend, another thing she didn't like about the world changed back. [color=cyan]"Yeah i'm fine, just the head injury thing still.."[/color] Carolina said looking over at her friend for a moment. [color=cyan]"How are you doing?"[/color] Antoinette nodded yes that had come back. It was unfortunate that they were thrown right back where they had left off, expected to act like nothing had changed and yet it had. So much had changed. [color=#DDA0DD]"I still feel lost but I also feel guilty for my behaviour with you. I shouldn't have pushed so hard for answers from you Lina. I miss her too. Not just my mom but October too."[/color] After all they did all live together. Carolina ran a hand through her hair slightly and leaned back a little bit, it was hard for her to not think about October she did promise her not to try and mourn for her to much. [color=cyan]"It's okay and we can get through this all together."[/color] Carolina said smiling towards her friend and gave her a gentle hug. [color=cyan]"What do you want to do?"[/color] She asked, deciding to change the subject. Antoinette hugged back Carolina tightly, clinging to her and sighed before pulling away. She ran a hand down her wet braided hair as she thought for a moment. [color=#DDA0DD]"Let's get out of the mansion. We could go shopping, clothes maybe or art supplies. Both. It just feels weird being back here..."[/color] It almost didn't feel, right to Antoinette. She wondered how long it would take for her to feel 'normal' again. Carolina smiled towards Annie and nodded towards her, getting out for a little bit would probably do her some good as well, looking over at her painting she had been working on. She wasn't sure what she was working with at the moment, before turning her attention back to her friend. [color=cyan]"Sounds like a good idea to me."[/color] Carolina said as she got up. [color=cyan]"Just let me get my things."[/color] She said and quickly started to go to her room and grab some of her things. Antoinette nodded and shuffled out of the door with Carolina. [color=#DDA0DD]"I'll meet you up front,"[/color] she said. While Carolina went to their room, Antoinette moved to the front door and stepped outside. She breathed in the fresh air and sighed, leaning against one of the brick pillars and counted the birds that passed while she waited. This would be good for Antoinette as she was feeling lost lately. She never slept through the night any more as she would wake often from nightmares. it was usually the same, a gun shot followed by a little girl's screams and then seeing her hands, covered in blood. Antoinette shivered as she thought about her nightmares. It didn't take to long for Carolina to come out to meet with Annie seeing her friend had forgotten her jacket as well, Carolina handed Annie hers and smiled slightly. [color=cyan]"Kind of cold out."[/color] She said smiling a little bit, as Carolina adjusted her purse a little bit and thought about going out. She wasn't sure what she wanted to buy right now either, before making her way over towards the bus while looking over at Annie she was worried about her friend to. [color=cyan]"Are you okay?"[/color] Carolina asked her. Antoinette smiled, tentative and took the jacket from Carolina but didn't put it on. She hesitated before taking a step and opened her mouth. [color=#DDA0DD]"Do you think I'm broken? Or crazy... unfit?"[/color] As she asked her friend these vulnerable questions, she could hear the children of her past calling her these things. Bullies were everywhere and a hard thing to ignore. At some point, you start to believe them. Antoinette had made great strides in her life to move past it but that was the one thing about trauma. When you had a flare up, everything started to come crashing down around you. Carolina looked at her friend when she asked her that question and shook her head towards her and pulled Annie into a friendly hug. [color=cyan]"No, not at all, why do you think that?"[/color] She asked her they both had gone through a lot, when she grew up she didn't have much money and mostly relied on her sister, the main reason why she moved over here. [color=#DDA0DD]"Everyone else used to say that about me growing up because of my eyes really and because every time a vehicle would back fire or there was a loud bang I would start to cry and panic."[/color] Antoinette hugged Carolina back, thankful for the comfort it seemed to provide her. [color=#DDA0DD]"I don't know why but everything feels different now since coming back to this reality. Nothing feels, safe."[/color] Antoinette was used to the idea of never being safe. Her and her father had been on the run for many, many years but being in a world, even though it was a short amount of time, where they were free and she had all the memories of a happy life growing up, this world was very much unsafe to her. Carolina listened to her as she spoke and she could understand what had happened would easily trigger some kind of response, when October died she had been blaming herself for everything that happened. [color=cyan]"You know i'm always there for you if you ever want to talk about it or anything to."[/color] Carolina said softly back, there wasn't really a place that they weren't safe here or in the other reality it felt like, but she wasn't going to say that. [color=cyan]"You have me to protect you."[/color] Carolina said trying to cheer her up some. Antoinette kissed Carolina's cheek before she pulled away. Antoinette's own cheeks felt wet from tears but she didn't mind that much, even with the biting cold. [color=#DDA0DD]"Thank you Lina. I'll always be here for you,"[/color] she added in. Carolina was a true friend and there was nothing Antoinette wouldn't do for her. Carolina blushed slightly for a moment and nodded towards her friend. [color=cyan]"Thank you Annie."[/color] She said, glad to have Annie as a friend, as the bus started to arrive now, and she quickly climbed onto the bus, finding a seat in the back of the bus. "So what do you want to do at the mall?" She asked while looking over at her. [color=cyan]"I was thinking of getting some food first."[/color] [color=#DDA0DD]"Oh yes, food would be good."[/color] Antoinette followed Carolina onto the bus and sat with her. She hadn't realized she didn't eat much today so having a meal would be a wise decision. Carolina smiled and nodded towards her as she leaned back in the seat a little bit, and then the bus started to drive off from the bus stop. [color=cyan]"So what are you going to buy?"[/color] She asked her. [color=#DDA0DD]"Oh I don't know, maybe a new sweater. I think my rainbow cardigan needs to be retired. At least until I can think of a way to revamp it. We should go to the art store as well. Do you think Xavier would be okay with us getting part-time jobs?"[/color] Antoinette didn't realize how much she missed having the gallery until it was gone. Carolina thought for a moment when Annie asked that, and nodded slightly. [color=cyan]"I'm pretty sure that he would, not everyone lives at the school I don't think so i'm sure they have their own jobs."[/color] She said, her sister usually did ended up wiring her money whenever she needed it from working with SHIELD. [color=cyan]"I think i'll buy some new clothes to."[/color] Antoinette smiled and settled into her seat. She would have to work on a resume then. She linked her arm with Carolina's and watched the world go by until they got to the mall. Once there, she had a hard time determining what she wanted to eat. [color=#DDA0DD]"What are you going to get?"[/color] She looked at the various food establishments, trying to narrow it down to one. She looked out the window as she started to think about what they should get to eat, Carolina wasn't really sure as she thought a little bit. Fast food was always pretty good as well as Chinese food as well she enjoyed anything really as she looked towards Annie and shrugged. [color=cyan]"I'm up for whatever you want to go and eat."[/color] [color=#DDA0DD]"Something sweet,"[/color] Antoinette decided. Carolina looked towards Annie and nodded at her friend. [color=cyan]"Sounds good to me then."[/color] She said as soon as the bus came to a stop Carolina walked out of the bus with her friend and headed over towards the mall.