Silverwind's GEAR moved through the forest in a steady loping run. All sensors were alert as he moved. Ahead, smoke rose above the treeline from the cruise missile strikes. Updates rolled in over the tactical net from the others as they moved, updating one another of the progress of the operation. The only issue the fox could see, is that they were moving too slow. They needed to be more aggressive; it was a nest of under-equipped insurgents, not an elite military unit. "Hunter One to all units, press them. Move up and push the aggression, we need to move hard and fast". Silverwinds' sensor systems picked out the shape of a fighting vehicle and position through the trees, on a bend in the trail he was following. Gunfire tore out, tracers lashing through the air. Silver's GEAR slid into cover among the trees, taking a knee as he returned fire; a high-explosive mortar round thumped out, followed by a burst of gunfire from the 30mm rifle, aimed at the vehicle as it opened fire with its' own machine-gun. "Hunter One here, encountered enemy resistance, continuing to move on position. All other units; check in with progress, keep 'em on the run and don't give 'em a chance to get dug in or recover from the missile attack". At Fionn's position, autocannon fire tore through the forest toward them, tracers mingling with the flash and pop of minor explosions as the wood and bark of vegetation was torn asunder. Bigger explosions followed as automatic grenade launchers mounted on vehicles joined in with the panicked bombardment, the efforts of a few defenders trying to hold off the advancing GEAR unit. The IFV at the comms position rumbled into motion, the autocannon on its' angular turret swingin to search for targets, while hte infantry took up more robust positions as the sounds of distant gunfire came from the trail leading from the beach.