The reptilian man took note of the surrounding buildings as they walked through the better part of the small town. Impressive that they built so much so quick, unimpressive that they focused more on protecting the useless rich and not the people who actually provided for the town. He'd protect food over coins any day of the week. Then again he could improvise weaponry easily instead of focusing only on iron and steel like humans tended to do unless they had virtually no money. As the made their way to the Guard Captains Office he took a brief glance around. No colors, no comfort, as a barracks should be. It was a place of work, not a tourist attraction. When they entered the Captain seemed annoyed at first then he remembered that he had posted a job. Then he explained why the job was even up, which got the Lizard Fighter to raise an eyebrow slowly. [color=red]"A town in the wilds that needs protection more than a city does...and they get shitfaced?"[/color] He asked, clearly his opinion of the guards plummeted. The fact humans could barely function without alcohol was rather pathetic in his eyes but he'd keep that to himself. Instead of having spare Tabards they had Guard Shields. Archer Girl snatched one up which got him to give the wooden shields a once over. Sturdy but it'd keep one of his hands occupied unlike the buckler strapped to his forearm. So he used an alternative, he picked it up and slung it over and onto his back where a hook was. It was actually specifically for shields, he hadn't always had a buckler. Without further explanation he left with the others, and Archer asked if they should split up or not. [color=red]"Stick together. We're not searching for anything we're just patrolling, and guards always go in at least pairs."[/color] He stated as he started to walk. [color=red]"Besides, can either of you out-muscle a drunk?[/color] He asked, he wasn't making fun of them or calling them weak. Just that their classes didn't really boast a lot of strength. He was sure they could talk people out of a fight better than he could, they each had something that the others couldn't. It's why they would be a pretty good party if they stuck together.