Still WIP [hider=Sheet] Nation Name/Flag: Mirvolyudkiyska Soyuz (Union of Mirvolyudki) Demonym: Mirvolyudkiye Government Type: Socialistic Stratocracy Nominally a Federal Republican system of government, the real power of Mirvolyudki lies in the military and the vast workers’ unions. Indeed themselves theoretically separate, in practice the military and the economy are so closely linked as to be indistinguishable. A head of state and Commander-in-Chief known as a Premier is elected from the pool of those individuals who have completed their state service, be it explicitly military or some other field, and will serve in this role for a period of five years. A position analogous to Prime Minister known as a Chair is also elected from this same pool. Once more, in theory these positions may be filled by nearly anyone - but in practice they nearly always come from the upper echelons of military hierarchy. Civil servants are wholly part of the military’s administrative apparatus, and public works are funded and constructed by the Ministry of Domestic Infrastructure, a wing of the military’s engineering corps. Demographics: Mirvolyudki - National Demographics: Population: 27,182,818,284,590 Volyudki: 93.2928% - 25,359,612,296,606 Humans: 3.1294% - 850,659,115,398 Achenastirri: 3.2611% - 886,458,887,079 Other: 0.3167% - 86,087,985,507 Planet Breakdown: Mirvolyudki: 17,163,557,658,710 - 63.1412% Mirvolyudki-L1: 924,215,822 - .0034% Mirvolyudki-L2: 2,240,190,420,470 - 8.2412% Novaynadezh-II: 1,982,823,496,951 - 7.2944% Novaynadezh-IV: 854,111,333,320 - 3.1421% Novaynadezh-VI: 351,718,485,784 - 1.2939% Novaynadezh-VII: 1,160,679,157,934 - 4.2699% Onkuiliv-BIII: 6,061,768,477 - .0223% Onkuiliv-BIV: 22,126,814,084 - .0814% Onkuiliv-BV: 733,936,094 - .0027% Furymilvyaz-2i: 3,046,623,090,519 - 11.2079% Gucenov-Cypso 2: 156,328,387,955 - 0.5751% Gucenov-Cypso 5C: 196,613,324,652 - 0.7233% Other: 326,193,818 - .0012% [hider=Volyudki] Volyudki: [img][/img] An offshoot of humanity tracing their origins back to the early days after the detection of the rogue star known as Perses. In the vast, uncontrolled violence and pandemonium that ensued, one nation created the progenitors of the people that would come to call themselves Volyudki. Initially an attempted supersoldier project, they have come far since then through liberal use of genetic modification technology, sporting an engineered compatibility with cybernetic modification. The average Volyudki stands at 193cm and 136kg, not including the extensive cybernetic modifications made to most individuals throughout their lifetimes. The Volyudki posess an unmodified average lifespan similar to that of healthy humans, and a modified lifespan that can seemingly stretch on for hundreds of years. In addition to the physical modifications done to themselves, signwprefab housingificant modifications have been made to other aspects of their biology, such as their male to female sex ratio - currently sitting at 1:20. [/hider] [hider=Achanastari] Achanastari: [img][/img] The indigenous population of the planet Furymilvyaz-2i, the Achanastari had already achieved limited spaceflight by the time of the arrival of the Volyudki in their system and had begun the process of explorative landings upon the other planets within their system, hoping to establish colonies upon them. This was interrupted by the Volyudki, who imposed their presence upon the system with little negotiation, subjecting the uninhabitable planets to aggressive mining operations and beginning the construction of more of the vast housing and manufacturing sectors that defined their burgeoning empire. The Achanastari, left with little in the way of meaningful resistance, were entirely subsumed into the apparatus of their new overlords, a cultural affinity for bureaucracy ensuring them a solid, well defined role within the society of the Federation. Despite the harsh, violent change to their way of life they have adapted shockingly well, pioneering many of the adaptations of Volyudki cybernetic enhancement to their own biology and to that of unmodified humans. Culturally strongly individualist and solitary beings, they often clash with the more communally minded Volyudki, leading to occasional small scale violence and frequent workplace friction.[/hider] Leadership: Valeriev Glagoleva Mariun Konstantinovna: Premier of Mirvolyudki. A young Premier at only 84, Valeriev is a precocious and charismatic leader. Having been elected from a comparatively junior rank of only a field captain, her forward thinking capability was credited with saving the lives of many comrades during her tour on the border with Saudovskaraviya. Doubted by many for her relative youth, she is a bold and polarizing figure within Mirvolyudki. Tyomkina Fenya Borisovno Innokentievna: Chair of Mirvolyudki Unlike the Premier, Tyomkina is far, far older at 314, a seasoned military commander holding the rank of Army General and an equally seasoned politician, having survived the decades of intrigue and the rise and fall of countless political movements. Burov Ludomir Semyonovich Kudashova: Minister of Finance Larionova Lydia Petrovnu Nikitovna: Minister of Military Industry [hider=Economy:] A massive industrial powerhouse, the economy of Mirvolyudki is a market economy like many of their contemporaries - though the similarities end there. There are no vast megacorporations within the confines of Mirvolyudki’s space - instead there are equally vast worker owned cooperative enterprises spanning the width of the entire economy. Shipbuilding, electronics, the manufacturing of goods both necessary and frivolous, all these sectors and more are dominated by cooperative and state enterprises - though like many spheres of life in Volyudki, it can be difficult to tell the two apart, so tightly they are intertwined. The state retains almost complete control of military manufacturing, producing reliable, rugged machines and equipment. Some of the surplus is sold to other nations in exchange for shipments of food or raw materials the Voldyuki lack. Almost all Volyudki, and many of the other segments of Mirvolyudki’s population are heavily augmented with cybernetic technology, and the production and maintenance of these crucial components of not only everyday life but of the nation’s strength and welfare is of vital concern. Products from Mirvolyudki are known to be reliable, ruggedly built, cheap, and utilitarian - with little in the way of extravagances or luxury in mind. Those items manufactured with a private consumer in mind, such as personal electronics, sacrifice some of their rugged durability for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience. Cybernetics from Mirvolyudki are likewise known to be simple and rugged, immensely powerful and robust devices with a higher cost than the norm expected of products made by the Volyudki, however they make no effort to hide the cybernetic nature or to emulate human form - instead prioritizing maximum efficacy at their intended tasks. With the war with the traitors of Tretirykh, the economy is under great strain as millions, if not billions of souls are called up to fight against this deadly threat. Automation fills much of the gap, but even still, the price of everyday goods has risen in order to finance the war effort. The new domestic shortfall in agricultural production has an even more marked effect on the related goods, available food has become much more expensive and much less varied. Preprepared stockpiles of preserved staple foods are being emptied to feed the hungry masses, but without imports from abroad the situation is untenable long term. [hider=Notable Products and Technologies:] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Military:] The military of Mirvolyudki is a near all-encompassing entity, dominating public construction, criminal justice, and more - and its budget it set to match. Even viewed solely through the lense of its wartime arm, the military of Mirvolyudki is an enormous behemoth commanding the respect and consideration not only of just their neighbors, but the whole cluster. Rooted in the deep seated cultural paranoia and militarism ingrained in the average Volyudki since childhood, the vast military of Mirvolyudki reflects the deep suspicion and distaste with which ‘outsiders’ are frequently viewed. Those nations not of the Volyudki themselves do not understand the trials endured by their people, and those nations will surely seek to explot or destroy them, such is their view. In response, the military can call upon vast, seemingly endless manpower to fill out its infantry formations, tank battalions, and the armadas of heavy warships. This enormous force places an equally enormous strain on the nation that hosts it, and it is for this reason that the military so permeates nearly every aspect of life within Mirvolyudki. With the outbreak of the Tretirykh Rebellion, the military of Mirvolyudki has been kicked into overdrive. Hundreds of mothballed warships were refitted and remobilized, tens of thousands of tanks, vast reserves restored and rearmed. The military is gearing up for the grinding, bloody war of attrition developing in the embattled systems. Zvesdekrygenflyot (svez-deh-kree-ghen-fl-yoht) - the Star Navy: Size: 16180 Combat Vessels Composition - Main Fleets: [list] [*] Battleships: 1185 [*] Heavy Cruisers: 2601 [*] Cruisers: 4271 [*] Patrol Cruisers: 4712 [*] Corvettes - 3047 [*] Interdiction Cruisers: 239 [*] Planetary Fleet Carriers: 123 [*] Prototype Stealth Ships: 2 [/list] Sukhoputnyye Voyska - The Ground Army: [url=]Average Volyudki Infantrywoman[/url] Morskaya Pekhota - The Naval Infantry: [hider=Notable Military Technologies:] WIP [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Culture and Society:] WIP [/hider] [hider=History:] A BRIEF HISTORY OF MIRVOLYUDKI During the near-apocalyptic wars waged in the aftermath of the discovery of the brown dwarf that would spell the end of humanity’s habitation of the earth, one nation, situated in the territory of modern day Russia, Finland, and Sweden, sought to achieve supremacy on the battlefield. In doing so, they leveraged the comparatively primitive genetic manipulation technology of the time. Their goal was the creation of a strain of humans that, with the addition of further training and cybernetic enhancement, could become the ultimate soldiers. Fearless, pitiless, harbingers of death that would assault any position, purge any foe, and obey [i]any[/i] order. But as any cautionary tale of science fiction would warn, creating a new life form, a sapient one, and expecting it to perform as planned is a fool’s errand. The progenitors of the people who would become the Volyudki rebelled at some point, the exact date lost to time. Sickened with being used as expendable troops, forced to commit atrocities no sane being could condone, they rose up against their creators and seized power in a part of the country. Their fledgling rebel nation coalesced around an urban center once known as Saint Petersburg. For years, the fighting raged on, brutal, bloody, grinding warfare. A siege the likes of which the city had not seen since a time almost a century before, when the people of Saint Petersburg had likewise been surrounded by an enemy determined to wipe them out. At first, it was an insistence upon crushing the rebellion, but it grew to an ideological war of annihilation as the emerging culture of the people who would come to call themselves Volyudki grew to be influenced by schools of economic and societal thought from decades past. The fighting grew even more bitter as at times entire formations of the enemy’s soldiers, modified and unmodified, would defect to the side of the rebellion. At some point, yet another rebellion occured within the state, one wider reaching and more vast than anything achievable by a comparatively small segment of the soldiery. The state’s power waned as vast swathes of its territory fell in a matter of weeks, and soon the Volyudki’s progenitors were faced with a new potential foe - but this new state came with an offer of peace instead. They would be reabsorbed into the broader state apparatus and would pledge their by now formidable military might to the annihilation of a few remaining foes - and in turn they would be granted passage on an Ark of their own. Fierce debate raged, and a rebellion nearly broke out within the ranks of the rebellion, but at length the offer was accepted. With the redoubled efforts of the once more unified nation, many targets fell within days under the relentless, brutal assaults of the hardened veterans that filled the ranks of the Volyudki. The rest followed as expected, and the construction of the arks began. The Volyudki dedicated themselves with gusto to the task. But once more, they would be used - as they entered cryosleep, the capsules containing the hibernating Volyudki colonists were separated and distributed amongst multiple arks, rather than one of their own as they had been promised. A calculated effort to weaken and divide them, ensure they would not have the power to rebel and cause havoc once more. Upon awaking in the new cluster, they were not greeted with the idyllic garden worlds they had hoped to see, but a murderously cold planet, so volcanically active that entire rivers and lakes of lava coursed through the permafrost. Many colonists had begun to starve and die in light of the difficult conditions, and they soon realized the betrayal that had befallen them soon after - as the overseers of the colony instructed them to instill order in the now riotous people. Initially, they were lead on, promised their own corner of the world to grow and build on, but as they suppressed the rebellions the same distaste and loathing as before grew within them and they turned their weapons on their would be rulers, commandeering the ark in a brutal coup and casting the overseers out into the cold with the colonists they had sought to control. They would watch coldly as the colonists began to starve, unable to adapt to the planet’s harsh climate. They would listen as the people called them callous murderers, a feral pack of wolves that cared only for themselves. As the last of the screams died off, months later, they emerged from the ark, greeting the remaining survivors with bullets or arrest, depending on the individual. But the experience had left them shaken, traumatized - the name wolves had stuck with the colonists, and the Volyudki began to adopt it to describe themselves. They were wolves, they would fight and destroy any obstacle that threatened their wellbeing, they would work as a group to survive and thrive even in the bleakest adversity, they would mercilessly carry out whatever needed to be done to live. It was then that, as they began to expand across the planet, they discovered Genestealer technology. Already a genetically modified people, ones who had fully embraced a transhuman ideal, the discovery of this new technology, advanced beyond anything they could have imagined before, sent a ripple throughout their society. Once more, open conflict loomed within their own ranks, some wanted to destroy it, others sought to embrace it - in the end the latter won. The leadership at the time proceeding to craft their new image of the people who would go on to claim the planet for themselves, to bend its icy, volcanic fury to their whim. They would properly embrace the name wolves. As the process began, the term Volyudki first came into true common vernacular. They were the wolf people. Other changes became evident as the process continued - an incredible resistance to the cold, a remarkable adaptability and compatibility with cybernetic augmentation, and most controversially, a birth sex ratio heavily skewed in favor of women. Justified by the then de-facto leader of their people as a necessity of the times - they were in unknown space, more of the people who would have them destroyed and purged lurked out there in the uncharted stars, their population would have to grow as fast as possible to accomodate the threat. In private she was more candid - wishing for a society dominated by and almost wholly composed of women. Her exact reasons were never determined. The Volyudki population boomed, and they began to cover the entire world in vast industrial cities, greenhouses built with the aid of the copious volcanic activity feeding them in ample quantities for a time. But as it always did, ideologies grew separate, and violence reared its ugly head. Once more, rebellion loomed amongst the Volyudki as they struggled to assert their own individual ideologies. But this time, it could not be averted. A vast war broke out across the entire planet, raging for years and racking up a death toll into the hundreds of millions as factions representing a dozen different ideologies waged a brutal war across the ice fields and solidified lava plains, in local space, and more. As the years dragged on, two primary factions remained, one professing a Maoist ideology, and one adhering to the market socialistic model identified with Mirvolyudki to this day. The war raged on, a grinding attritional nightmare, with no end in sight - until one day, in one of the planet’s fits of volcanic fury, nearly an entire continent was consumed in the fire of a supervolcanic eruption. Billions perished in the ensuring chaos, an entire megalopolis wiped off the face of the map - but the side that would go on to create the modern empire of Mirvolyudki had survived, and despite the logistical nightmare, pushed hard into the chaos, securing all points of value that remained and declaring final victory. Decades followed, almost a century, and the planet was once more thriving, united under the same basic governmental and economic structure that characterizes Mirvolyudki to this day. And the eyes of the Volyudki turned to the stars, once more. They began to build shipyards, docks, and their colony ships, teeming with colonists began to branch out into first their local solar system, bringing to heel the equally unforgiving climates of the other technically ‘habitable’ planets of the solar system, and then branching out from there, building vast communications networks through the gates and upon their planets. New solar systems came under their heel, an entire new species, and re-contact with unaltered humans, many of whom reacted with bewilderment at the sight of the Volyudki. In under a century, the borders of Mirvolyudki reached their present extent, but the real work of development had yet to be undertaken. Vast mining and construction projects began on the conquered and colonized worlds, those planets and asteroids not habitable even by the stubborn Volyudki were mined even more intensely. Mind bogglingly enormous cities and industrial complexes began to rise from the crusts of their worlds. But a danger loomed unbeknownst to the people and leadership of Mirvolyudki. Festering in the underworld and dark corners of the internet, a movement thought long defeated grew in size and power. Calling themselves Tretirykh, they professed adherence to ancient ideologies that many in Mirvolyudki considered repugnant and abominable. And yet, this movement grew, buoyed by false claims of endless prosperity in the lands outside Mirvolyudki’s sealed borders, images of the palatial estates of the corporate elite of Raygon and promises that all would live like kings under the rule of Tretirykh. By the time Mirvolyudki’s leadership became aware of the scope of the threat, it was too late, and a full fledged rebellion erupted upon an industrial world in the Kravinigorka System. Bolstered by arms and equipment from across the cluster in numbers scarcely believeable, the rebellion quickly seized control of the entire system, putting to death those they deemed inferior and launching lightning assaults on unprepared adjacent systems. The militaries of those systems fought bravely, but were woefully underprepared to face a threat from within their own borders, the vast bulk of Mirvolyudki’s armed forces being deployed in maintaining the closed borders and preventing the incursion of outside interlopers. Hurriedly, the Premier called up available reservists and recruitment drives began, tens of millions of soldiers being rushed to the defense of the interior from this inexplicably well equipped rebel force. The momentum had been lost, however, and the rebellion succeeded in annexing the majority of the systems of Vylganitsyn and Kurkesta, and with it Mirvolyudki’s most productive agri-worlds. Only a small foothold consisting of a mining world in the Vylganitsyn system and the military bases of the moon orbiting Kurkesta-II remained, and it was from these that counterattacks would be launched with the full force of the military of Mirvolyudki. But though the counterattacks succeeded in establishing small footholds in a few occupied planets, the fighting was fierce. Grinding, attritional warfare set in as even well drilled tank batallions and heavy orbital bombardment were unable to dislodge the defenders - whose numbers defied belief and showed no signs of thinning. The key targets, vital agri-worlds that made up a vast percentage of Mirvolyudki’s overall food supply could not be retaken. And Mirvolyudki began to go hungry. And so, faced with starvation, after centuries of relative isolation in the wake of past conflict, of being the reclusive, heavily armed nation that refused to trade, the Volyudki opened their borders in desperation. They began to hunt for potential trading partners, nations whom could feed the hungry soldiers and workers of Mirvolyudki in their war. [/hider] Characters: Valeriev Glagoleva Mariun Konstantinovna: Premier of Mirvolyudki. A young Premier at only 84, Valeriev is a precocious and charismatic leader. Having been elected from a comparatively junior rank of only a field captain, her forward thinking capability was credited with saving the lives of many comrades during her tour on the border with Saudovskaraviya. Doubted by many for her relative youth, she is a bold and polarizing figure within Mirvolyudki. Tyomkina Fenya Borisovno Innokentievna: Chair of Mirvolyudki Unlike the Premier, Tyomkina is far, far older at 314, a seasoned military commander holding the rank of Army General and an equally seasoned politician, having survived the decades of intrigue and the rise and fall of countless political movements. Burov Ludomir Semyonovich Kudashova: Minister of Finance Larionova Lydia Petrovnu Nikitovna: Minister of Military Industry Melekhova Agasha Tarasovnov Georgievna (Mashka): A hapless criminal, convicted of manufacture of Class III pharmaceuticals without a license and improper maintenance of state issued arms. Sentenced to thirty years of state service, twenty if in a combat unit. Melekhova accepted the latter, and is currently a Lance Corporal, serving in her third year. She has been deployed to the polar front on the planet of Vylganitsyn-III, leading an infantry squad. Isayeva Verka Yakovn Adeliya Relations: Tretirykh (NPC): At war. No peace may be brokered, only unconditional surrender. [/hider]