[color=burlywood]"Well, while I'd love to practice more, I think the song came out exactly how we wanted it to."[/color] Lucien said as he rose to his feet. He was glad that Cora had enjoyed herself, he knew that she loved practicing music like this, and honestly he quite enjoyed it to. Her presense made it a little easier for him to focus at the task at hand, instead of getting pulled in by his own feelings.. at least.. when he didn't completely lose himself in the effects of her voice. It had been a good mental practice, that was for sure. [color=burlywood]"Now, I believe you said that you and Ivory were almost finished with your practice? I hope you don't mind if I stay to see what you two came up with?"[/color] He asked, figuring that Ivory might have woken up by now. He trusted whatever she had ended up agreeing with, but he still wanted to see it at least once before the actual show. -- Ivory glanced over to Illyana as she pushed her plate away. [color=darkgray]"You know if Lucien were here, he'd want you to finish that."[/color] She commented, knowing that it was something the ringleader would fuss over. She wasn't going to force her to eat it, but she figured she'd mention it, just in case it convinced her otherwise. Unlike her, Illy was completely human. She didn't feel like she was nearly as nourished as she should be, so she understood why Lucien always tried to make sure she ate all of her food when he wasn't too busy doing something else. [color=rosybrown]"Research? Well I suppose that's good, you definitely look at lot more well rested today."[/color] Akane commented with a smile. She was glad for it, considering how exhausted the fortune teller had seemed these past few days. It was around that time that Akane took notice of Aurel heading their way. The man was had a blanket wrapped securely around himself, and looked a bit bundled up. He was clearly cold, but was greeted by both Akane and Ivory as he reached the table. [color=#a7d3d4]"Good morning.."[/color] He responded, grabbing his plate of food and taking a seat next to Akane. [color=rosybrown]"Did you sleep well?"[/color] [color=#a7d3d4]"I did.. but this morning was a much colder than yesterday.. it seems like winter is almost here, the snakes are all curled up in my blankets."[/color] He said before he began to eat his food.