Alex was busy editing her latest article when she received the text from Cole. [i]That sounds great! I'll be there! Just send me the info :)[/i] The past week proved fairly uneventful for Alex. She was solidifying her schedule, still getting used to college life. Most of her classes were in the morning, leaving her the rest of the day to work on articles, exercise, write, or go to the Taekwondo dojang in the area. ~~~~~ Alex sat in the stands, waiting for the game to start. She wanted to go down to the locker room before to wish Cole luck, but she realized that might distract him. That, or she could get in trouble for being in there. Instead, Alex opted to wait until the end of the game to see him. Overall, she was glad that she had met Cole. He was a great guy- great looking too. She enjoyed tutoring him in biology. She found that he was pretty bright, just needed the extra guidance. Their friendship was going good and she hoped it would continue to do so.