Aro smiled as the rather skittish trainer explained who he was. Aro was reminded back to the days of his first adventure when he was nervous for almost anything. “Lark is it? Nice to meet you” Aro said as he responded to the avid photographer. “Shutter eh? That’s a great name for her.” He said as he watched the Venomoth try and stay calm. “I have a proposal Lark. I assume you were planning on doing the gym challenge alone?” Aro said as he looked around for anyone else who maybe with Lark “ If that is the case, how about you travel the challenge with me and Kjolmar? I’d really like some photo memories of the Galar region. Me and Kjolmar have been companions for a while now and we’ve never had a photo together. In return I can pay you for your time and also you will get some kickass company I promise...” he chuckled. “So what do you say?” He asked Lark. Suddenly a loud female voice could be heard through the intercoms. “CAN ALL GYM CHALLENGE PARTICIPANTS PLEASE GET SEATED IN MOTOSTOKE STADIUM. THE OPENING CEREMONY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN.” Aro turned to Kjolmar and their Pokemon. “I guess we best get going, Lark are you coming too? Or will we see you later?” He said as he started to check he had all his belongings.