[center][color=86FF3D][h1][b]ᴇ ʙ ɪ ꜱ ᴀ ᴡ ᴀ ʜ ᴏ ɴ ᴀ ᴍ ɪ[/b][/h1][/color][/center][INDENT][sub][hr][/sub][color=#86FF3D][sub][B]Location:[/B] [COLOR=gray][I]Unknown Forest[/I][/COLOR][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][b]Timeframe:[/b] [COLOR=gray][I]Dawn[/I][/COLOR][/right][/SUP][/color][sub][hr][/sub][/indent] [indent][indent]Taking Hiroko's hand, Honami stood up from the ground. At least someone here was being helpful, unlike Kaito or the girl that had knocked her down to begin with. Speaking of which, the latter still hadn't answered her questions. [color=86FF3D]"Listen, I told you I wasn't about to ru-"[/color] Honami snapped, soon interrupted by a shrill screech and school-like cheering. Certainly, this had to be a prank, or even a game show. A group of idiots (not including herself, of course) are thrown into the middle of nowhere, only to be started by "spooky sounds". Yeah, that was it! When the arrows began to rain down upon the group, however, Honami quickly realized that, despite her intelligence, there were times when she should probably not question things so much. Ducking behind a tree, Honami narrowly escaped an arrow that had nearly caught her off guard. This was no longer a game or a prank like Honami had previously thought; this was life or death. And Honami preferred being on the "living" side of things. [color=86ff3d]"Shinjimae!"[/color] Honami shouted, clearly pissed off by being shot at with arrows. Picking a decently sized stone, Honami waited until the last of the arrows hit the ground before temporarily breaking cover to chuck the rock as hard as she could into the brush. With luck, maybe it would scare off the asshole, or at least show them that they weren't going to down so easily.[/indent][/indent] [indent][hr][sub][right][@Inkarnate][@HokumPocus][@Polaris North][/right][/sub][/indent]