Taylor stood still, listening for footsteps of someone to attack. She then heard the sounds of surprisingly calm footsteps. Taylor began to run towards the footsteps to see a scientist with short, messy black hair. A psychotic grin spread wide across her face as she readied to pounce. She then felt something grab onto the back of her collar. A growling voice was heard behind her, "Don't you dare hurt Carlos... if you do I will tear into your chest and rip out your heart. She turned to see a man with pale blonde, almost white, short hair and deep purple eyes. There was a murderous glint in his eyes. She vaguely remembered seeing him getting wheeled to the room where experiments are done. She growled as she jerked her collar out of his grip and stomped off, still glaring at him. The male spoke to the scientist named Carlos, "Wasn't she the youngest person who was experimented on, being brought in at age 10?" Carlos nodded as both of them watch Taylor stomp off with a murderous glare.