[center][h2]Temari Ordo[/h2][/center] "Extra blasters alone will not aid the battle, young Saxon." I look around us and then out towards the flashing lights of the battle as the others begin preparing in case a squad of troopers were to happen upon us. One of my Hunter, Rem Ordo, approaches me from my right. "The Saxon's right, teacher. We need to do something, even if sitting on our laurels is a nice, if brief, reprieve." I sigh, knowing the veteran warrior is right. "I know." I turn to the others and wave Gavin over to join us while one of the other Hunters, Anas Ordo, one of our veteran female warriors, lead Hayden towards one of the shuttles that they'd found. Once the young Twi'lek joins us, I beckon to the flashes of war. "We need a plan to definitely turn the tide. Announcing our capture of the tower may be just that."