[hider=][@Lady Selune][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/hider] [hr][hr] [center][h2] Siobhan [/h2][/center] "You've known it was coming? That's... pretty unique. From what I've heard, people usually just wake up knowing rather than know in advance." Ana turned the wheel and the car responded. It was a smooth ride, with a nicely tuned petrol engine under the hood, and good suspension. It didn't seem to fit her, like it was out of keeping with the rest of her person. As it made its way down the road she'd turned onto, the noise of the night made a crescendo - there was no doubt about it, you were getting closer to a center in the web of violence spreading across the city. "Me? I'm fine. As fine as reasonable people should be, when they work for a shadowy underground group of smugglers and criminals with a humanitarian streak, against one of the most advanced, omnipresent, oppressive surveillance states in human history." She replied almost-sharply. There was a pause. Ana sighed. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be be so hard. I haven't been doing this for very long, it is my first time doing this part of the job, and I know what lengths the EMDA will go to if they find us. How can you not be scared?" [hr][hr] [center][h2] Matthew [/h2][/center] "Good. I'd heard about your record - not seen it - and I was hoping you were gonna be in a state to make good on it if we had to. Nice to meet you too, kid." Mira gave him a smirk that looked almost like a grimace in the darkness of the cab, as she checked the rear view mirror and frowned. Getting out of the city was going to take a little while, but not so long that it would be a big trek - though for Matthew they were hardly going fast. "Luck," she chuffed when he said it, "is not something I've had good experiences with." After another couple of minutes she checked the mirror again, and frowned harder. "That's not good." She remarked grimly, looking back at the eerie darkness. "We were meant to have a follower by now."