[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181012/ad7d1ac9cb16e5ae0b355f0d3152a846.png[/img][hr][color=gray][b]Forest - ???[/b][/color][hr][/center]The former waitress gave Honami a tight lipped smile as she pulled her up and then looked over to the mysterious girl as she continued her rambling. She wanted for them to hide. Much like the others, Hiroko didn't quite understand why. Was there some sort of animal that was hunting her down? Hiding wouldn't quite help now would it? And perhaps Hiroko wished for that to simply be the case. That it was only some forest animal. Because the cheers were not very comforting. It was like the jeering of some perverts in some back alley. That was until the arrows started piercing their surroundings. The rush of adrenaline was probably the only thing that kept her alive as she ducked down behind a tree, much like the others as Kaito yelled for them to hide, and had narrowly avoided being a human pincushion. [color=f26522][i]Calm down. Breathe. You've never been in a life or death situation before but you can manage if you can just stay calm.[/i][/color] Hiroko repeated it to herself over and over until her breath started to even out. That was when Honami shouted and picked up a rock. As she chucked out the rock with what seems to be all the anger in her heart, Hiroko moved to grab the nearest arrow and pulled it out of the ground. Hey, she might as well grab something to defend herself with if these archers decide to show their faces after realizing shooting arrows is practically futile. [b][color=f26522]"Who even uses bows and arrows to hunt people nowadays..."[/color][/b] Besides, these must be some sick people to even think of hunting this poor girl.