[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/j4reGhD.png[/IMG][/center] [color=gold]"Won't let you down sensai, I'll break those walnuts."[/color] He had no idea what that meant. [@13org][@Restalaan] Ozzy would spend the night getting Ada some blankets and trying to explain things like sleeping and clothes, but would leave her on the couch as her own bed. Probably better than sharing a room. [color=gold]"Night night Ada. Hope you like the Guild."[/color] He said to her before conking out himself. The next day, he realized the moment he was wakened that the hell was to repeat and reoccur. He yawned and looked awful as per usual by the time the harpy came down stairs in his shorts and T shirt. He stood up straight when he heard the crack of her foot. [color=gold]"Y-Yes sensei Yang!"[/color] He shouted, noticeably worried. And rightfully so. Several times, she heard bones crack, his body forced into splits and holding positions that would cause him to be stiff and fall over. He would try not to yell... but that was impossible. "Gah! I feel like I'm being torn in half! AAAooowww!" He would flap his wings just to make sure he didn't topple over. By the end of it, he was flat on the ground, his arms and legs at odd angles merely because it was the least painful place to set his joints. He very shakily held up a thumbs up to her when their training was done... Later--- [@PaulHaynek] [color=gold]"We solved the job but forgot to collect!"[/color] Ozzy concluded with Haley. He would speak about her maybe going to go collect today if she was available. Though the topic of Ravager's Nest was brought up which tailored Ozzy's decision. [color=gold]"I get it. Refugees are forced into crime for survival, but if we remove that as a choice, there might be more positive options. If thats the case, I'll take [b]That's what friends do![/b]."[/color] He announced. [color=gold]"I'm hoping theres no fighting the time. But it might be a chance for us to do alot of good. That might help Ditzy get out of his funk."[/color] He called over to the guildmate who seemed to be really down. [color=gold]"How about it Ditzy, want to come with me! Might be fun!?"[/color] He wondered if Ada would still be following him. It would be tough if things end up becoming more difficult or complicated with those two, but atleast their intentions would be quite clear.