[@Ryik] Accumulating wealth is not important. There's no shop system. If you want something you make a request in the discord and a chance to get it will be given at an unspecified time. More on that when I completely figure out how to use the discord for this rp. If you want your character to be wealthy or poor there are other ways to play that out. Almost all battles are single unless double is desired or the encounter requires it. Only one gym is double battle but the rest are singles. Meanwhile contests are always double or even triple at higher ranks. At all times only 4 moves will be allowed even in complex format. The anime does for the most part stick to 4 moves too. You're stuck to learnset for the most part, however egg moves can be started with in your opening team. Tutor and event moves can be taught later by npcs if you desire it. TMs are the standard fare, you'll need to earn them, or be given one from a gym. For the most part the rp focuses on the role playing, don't forget that. In complex format even the least meta team can come out on top.