[b]Full Name:[/b] Shas'la Vior'la Ge'lar [b]Shortened Name[/b] Ge'lar [b]Age:[/b] 9 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] As is typical among the T'au, Ge'lar differs almost not at all from her male counterparts; such differences include the shape of the slit which every T'au have on their forehead, an ever-so-slightly lighter build than her male companions (though still retaining the firm build indicative of the Fire Caste), and a lighter shade of flesh. Of course, to anyone not of the T'au species this would make no difference at all - to them every T'au looks the same. As with the rest of her squad she dresses in the standard armour of the Fire Warrior, reinforced due to her role as a member of a breacher squad, and showing the white and red colours of her Sept of Vior'la. Like them she is equipped with a clasp of photon grenades and a pulse blaster. [b]Personality:[/b] Ge'lar is near-identical to every other member of her race - optimistic about the future of her Empire, dedicated to fighting for their expansion and survival, and trained from birth to be a professional soldier with all that that entails. Nonetheless, she - as with many others - have come to realise that the universe truly is a large place and that the T'au may well be small fish in a much bigger pond. Far from despairing, she uses this knowledge to press forward in her career as a Fire Warrior and in the service of the [i]Tau'va[/i]. [b]History:[/b] Born of the union of two Fire Caste warriors of Vior'la, she grew much as others of her calling and station. By the time she had reached her seventh year in the prestigious Shi'vak Academy she was already thoroughly versed in the slaying of her enemies - simulations though they may have been - taking her part in the Greater Good with an almost pedantic seriousness that bordered on fanatacism. It was already clear that she had no love or mercy for those outside her own, propogating the ideals of the Ethereals if not completely agreeing with their methods. In her ninth year she came together with her fellow squad members to perform the bonding ritual, the [i]ta'lissera[/i], and cut her flesh to share her blood with the others. After this they would finally see actual combat, and by the Ethereals she could not wait... [b]Skills:[/b] Apart from those shared by all Fire Warriors, she has been given training in the operation of drone piloting and usage; this comes into play as and when it is needed. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] N/A