Hm. Interesting. I hadn't actually even noticed that about the Blood Saints (Adel, incidentally, also means "nobility" in Danish). And yeah, a tangent indeed. It's good, though; the best way to develop theories like this is to have them challenged, and marriage is undeniably a pretty impactful part of culture. I guess I need to come up with a verdict on how it's included in the RP, though. Hmm... I'm going to say that marriage is probably a thing reserved for ritual purposes in the country Yharnam is located in, most notably for women (specifically blood saints, maybe?) being "married" to the gods. As for Queen Annalise and the Vilebloods, they fascinate me to no end as well, particularly since - despite the best efforts of the game to depict them as ugly, unnatural, bloodthirsty and evil - I never really subscribed to the idea that the Vilebloods were the villains. If anything I'd say they were victims. I mean, the Vilebloods were [I]nobles[/I], and Annalise was [I]queen[/I], no doubt of more than just Cainhurst. The way I see it, Yharnam and the lands that now belong to it, were once Annalise's kingdom (queendom?) and that of her family, at least since the time of Queen Yharnam. Then the Healing Church rolled in and decided that they were the new government, and suddenly (and conveniently) every single person that might have contested their rule is a "Vileblood" that need to be executed. Annalise might have gone a bit off the deep end in having her servants hunt for blood dregs, but really, I'm amazed she's as sane as she is with what she's gone through. How many of those dead nobles were her family? How long has she been trapped there, stuck with her mask? Eh. But yeah, it's probably no surprise nor a secret that the RP will almost certainly take a closer look at both Annalise and the Vilebloods.