[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjExNi5hMzNhMDAuUzJGMFlYSnBibUUsLjA,/propaniac.regular.png[/img][/center] [@Ariamis][@BrokenPromise][@EnterTheHero] [hr] [color=chocolate]"Tch..."[/color] Rina frowned. She had succeeded in seemingly decapitating it, but it didn't seem to stop the undead sabertooth at all. Well, if decapitation didn't work, then the only logical conclusion would be to mince it until it couldn't move. Quite a brutal strategy, but if it worked, it worked...but that wouldn't be feasible to do for all of them. She needed to take out the big guy, but how? He seemed utterly unphased by her sword - thankfully however, Su seemed to have an answer to that. [color=chocolate]"Got it. Keep these things busy, I'll see if I can spot it."[/color] Rina left the undead sabertooth and the other beasts to the others. Assuming it should be somewhere around him, Rina began circling around, trying to get a good flank and viewing angle on the Lich and the surroundings, only firing shots to distract or help other girls in the area. [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjExNi5lMTE0ZmYuUTJoc2IyVWdTWEoyYVc1bklBLCwuMA,,/btx-ornstein.ornstein.png[/img][/center] [@Ariamis] [hr] Chloe watched Penny leave with an almost unconcerned expression. She was a big girl, she could handle herself, and if Penny was in any real danger she'd know fairly quickly. No, her attention was more focused on Cindy. She had heard rumors, though she had never really met the other girl herself. First impressions though, were not entirely great. At least this girl seemed to have some manners. [color=violet]"Fufu, you seem to at least have some taste."[/color] Chloe chuckled playfully as she took a seat, accepting the tea offered to her. [color=violet]"I'm used to living with idiots without any class."[/color] Picking up the teacup once it was poured, the dark magical girl took only briefly to ponder Cindy's question. [color=violet]"What do I treasure most? Hmm...my good looks and cuteness?"[/color] She replied with a cheeky grin. [color=violet]"Or, maybe is it my precious little Penny? I don't know what I'd do if she was hurt. Probably kill whoever it was."[/color] Taking another sip, the dmg finally sighed and turned her gaze towards Cindy with a smile. [color=violet]"Treasure is a funny word. I'm a selfish controlling girl, after all. So I'd really have to say my girls. Without them I'd be a little worse off? Plus bossing them around is fun."[/color]