A portal opened and an armored woman stepped through it. [i]There really wasn’t much to it,[/i] Saki thought as she deactivated her armor. Once you get the hang of it, it’s not much different from traveling through the Aetherflow back home. Sure, there weren’t aetherytes to guide the way, but perhaps these paths between worlds were less treacherous. That or someone would probably say one’s heart is one’s guide. This [i]was[/i] the right place, wasn’t it? She thumbed open her book to check the loose papers tucked just under the front cover. Yep, Game Central Station. Lovely place to meet. Plenty of people around, plenty of space and things to do. Not enough information to pick a specific spot. This is like just saying to meet up in New Gridania. At least give a landmark or something. That man… Saki shook her head. “Well, better take a look around.” She didn’t get very far before a blue man in some sort of uniform appeared beside her. “Papers and identification, please.” “Oh, sorry, hang on.” Saki checked a few pockets and handed over her license from the adventurers’ guild. The Surge Protector examined it carefully, and handed it back to her. “I’m afraid that identification cannot he honored here, ma’am. Please wait here while I-” Saki cut him off. “I’m here to meet a Master Xehanort. You wouldn’t happen to know where I could find him, would you?” “That would explain a few of you,” the security guard replied. “Right this way.” he hurried into the crowd, and Saki followed him.