[h2][centre] [color=a2d39c] [color=f6989d]Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali" [/color][color=6ecff6]& Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color][/color][/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Sunday snooze day - free skip - mixed locations [/color][/centre][/h3] [b]Runways, Race cars and the Rumba[/b] [b]Victoria[/b] Victoria looked over, two women had gathered round the injured... Person. While the clothes where more masculine, the face and scarf even could be considered a nod to feminine. Guys could not make a scarf work quite as well as that person did. She could tell if she got closer but decided to not get involved too far into thr drama walking by carefully keeping close eye on her surroundings being less steady and a little more delicate. Victoria did not recognise the women, if they leaned that way they should be happy they met a pretty "Nurse" of sorts. If they where smart it would turn into a date that is to Sol Mates and Thirsty Thursday. Alcohol was a great one to smooth the social rust and rough spots. Looking out at light lane, it was glowing more than normal, the shops where open and all ready for business, that definitely was not in short supply tonight. Feeling a buzz from a blue tooth bracelet hooked up to her phone when she got a message that was not spam notifications. Finding a corner to lean to check and also not get walked into, Ryan... That message caused a have of mixed feelings including a desire to bite back but had deleted her message twice already unsure how to even answer, did she even want to? Sighing, that was a complicated problem, and a very personal one. [i][color=6ecff6]"It's way more comfrey than the Mini. That's a rather personal and complicated issue. Short answer. I have a body guard because of certain prior issues regarding security. You know my condition. My family is rather protective of me. Especially in my present condition. Its complicated, there's a lot more to it and id ever tell on a insecure method. Why are you asking? If your after a story for media you can go fuck yourself in ass with razor wire coated in lemon juice. If your being a friend, sorry its just difficult time for me right now. Its bloody scary how fast my life is going to change and being responsible for a another humans beings life and welfare. You have a odd idea what can be answered on a text message Ryan. :) LVDR"[/color][/i] Replying and hitting send, why did he even ask that? I mean did he like her? Surely he was not after a 23 year old pregnant woman with a medical history longer than a European country? That was a strange set of requirements... Her life did not need to become more complicated! It was mad enough as it is. Though she did not see someone Victoria knew, a voice that came across as Manami was clear, and rather raised among another small commotion. Some kind of argument, a older males voice and as she got closer Manami was dressed up all nicely in a outfit that looked like meant for a lot warmer evening. Victoria as wearing tights, a coat and she had semi bare legs and what passed as a track jacket. Calling over and her distinct blend of English and Russain hard to confuse for anyone else.[i][color=6ecff6]"Manami! You alright? Need any help? Lift? . Isosef, please let me know if you see Ryan about. Thanks for helping me find the dress, might as well wear it while i can. "[/color][/i] going from serious to girly, she needed lighter hearted moments and hoping to take a night off from her worries, wear a pretty new dress and meet a friend seemed a better way to forget pressure for a few hours. [i][color=c4df9b]"Need assistance miss Takahasi? My Principle. Mean no harm to you of you to her or me."[/color][/i] The larger Russian enquired, though was little blunt but straight to point with the older gentleman in a calm military manner who seemed to be rather riled up. Victoria seemed to have taken to the Asian woman and she was not a bad influence or threat. Rather pretty, if he was not married he might be more distracted. [i][color=6ecff6]"Can i get a diet coke, Raman super soup and whatever my escort wishes"[/color][/i] as the Raven haired woman tried to disarm the Raman man with a smile and deliberate softness to her mixed accent. Victoria felt strange, she did not always trust quickly but Manami seemed to bypass her defences. The woman she has quickly learnt was far more complicated than the Instagram model outward appearances. She was genuine, well under the false front out out for business purposes. [hr] [b]Mentions[/b] The Instagram model hiding from herself [@Allycat] Text Message bandit :) [@Infinite Cosmos]