[color=c4df9b][b]Eska[/b][/color][hr] She had wanted to gather a few more herbs and some more flowers, but was instead rained on, and went home miserable and wet. At least there was the thought of some warm stew for her dinner tonight. Almost as soon as she arrived however, the smell of the food seemed a bit strong, even if Jiko was sneaking a bite without her noticing. Almost as if... Rushing in, Eska could piece together what had happened. Jiko would never leave food unattended, especially if it spilled, and judging from the other scents in the air, there were other people in here, at least three. Her eyes narrowed to a slit, her ears flat against her head as anger started to well up. She may have been exiled, but she was still of Clan Emmeret, she was still predator, still a shaman. To be wronged in such a way was beyond reprehension. Her entire tribe would have risen up in arms, and waged war upon the offender immediately. Gathering her wits around her, she bounded silently on the tracks they left behind, following them as they traveled outside of her territory. They didn't even bother to hide their tracks. Was this an act of provocation? In a short amount of time, she reached a large settlement, of which she could only describe as a very large tribe. Satisfied with what she found, she returned, to prepare for what was coming. From the large yew tree, she prepared her armor, shaping bark with her song, light, yet with a hardness to rival steel. With her song, she prepared the warring mask, the shaman's mask, to denote she was the negotiator. The red feathers on it signaled she was ready for war. And lastly, she made two identical stone axes, both tied with a single piece of red ribbon on the haft, before she cut them in two. One, she threw on the large yew tree, for a grudge that will forever cut deep. The second, she will keep, to present to their chief, their head, to show that they had done wrong. An hour later, she finally returned, this time perched on the highest vantage point she could find on the town, before shooting the red ribboned axe towards the most important looking building's door she could see. It was slightly cheating, considering she was supposed to hurl it at their feet, but this was an acceptable solution. She knew perfectly well that if she strolled in the front door of the town right now, she'd be accosted by just the sight of her tail and ears. Thus now, she waited. Should the chief be interested with negotiation, they would go out of their settlement with at least a few of their retinues to continue negotiation. Anything else, and that meant the chief was not interested in negotiations, and war can commence properly.