I know I've made a lot of LFRP lately... last one I swear. The topic of the "Taimanin" fandom is an absolutely, 100% 18+ ONLY topic. Please do not go any further if you are not at least 18, or whatever the required age is where you live. 18+ information will not be talked about here. However, if you choose to go look into the information below on your own, be prepared to find many things not suitable for public. [hider=18+ Only] The Taimanin world has a fairly simple Premise. The world is run by the Criminal Underground. Government, Politics, Law Enforcement, it is all deeply influenced by Criminal groups similar to some sort of Mafia, or the Yakuza. These Criminal Groups however are lead by, and consist partially of Demons. Yes, very real Demons straight out of Hell, often taking on Human Forms, but even more often sticking to their normal, monstrous forms. Looking like anything from Gargoyles to Centaurs and Minotaurs, to the typical green skinned Orc, Demons are incredibly powerful and no match for any Human. This is where the Taimanin come in. A secret society of Half-Demon Ninjas trained to fight the Demons who control the Criminal Organizations. They are stronger, faster, and more agile than any human, on par with any Demon, although it would take a skilled Taimanin to challenge one of the Demon Leaders. Taimanin often have special powers, be it immense skill with a sword, or the power to create and control electricity. They fight against the Demons, to try and restore peace to the world. I would like to find someone willing to do a RP based on this in which we play characters from the Taimanin series. As said before, this is a highly 18+ only series, but I want to drop all the darker, nastier, monstrous type things the series seems to focus on, and instead focus on the characters for a RP. 18+ themes will no doubt still exist and be played out. Not necessarily looking for fade to black and such with this setting, and I'm also looking for someone for this who is flexible with genders, as far as the "FxF" and related things goes. [/hider]