[hider=Adrian Price] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/55/a9/d0/55a9d0ea5412cb57e55d866326be1e74.jpg[/img] 》B a s i c s [color=DarkKhaki]Full name: Adrian Price [/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Age:25[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Date of Birth:15th January 1995[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Gender:Male[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Where are you from?:Ember Grove[/color] 》A p p e a r a n c e [color=DarkKhaki]Height:5’11[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Weight:170[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Hair Color:v. Light brown [/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Hair Length:Short[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Skin Color:White[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Eye Color:Blonde[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Tattoos, Piercings, etc skin markings:None[/color] 》R e l a t i o n s h i p s [color=DarkKhaki]Sexuality:Straight[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Relationship Status:Openj[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Any pre-determined friends?:No[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Siblings' Status:Alive and in some communication.[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Parents' Status:Alive and in some communication.[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]Pets:None[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]How open is your character to friends from 1 to 10?:8[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]How open is your character to romance from 1 to 10?:9[/color] 》I n t e r e s t s [color=DarkKhaki]Likes:[/color] ✡Coffee ✡Dogs ✡Cop movies. ✡Libby Bathory [color=DarkKhaki]Dislikes:[/color] ✡Sitcoms ✡Cats (They’re awful and scratch) ✡Choices [color=DarkKhaki]Hobbies:[/color] ✡Racing ✡Long walks ✡Gaming [color=DarkKhaki]Skills:[/color] ✡Speaking publicly ✡Dealing with people getting rowdy ✡Good with numbers. 》P e r s o n a l i t y Adrian is very much what could be called a “lost and confused” soul. Constantly attempting to search for some kind of meaning or purpose in his life and finding pretty much everything quite lacking. He does try and apply himself to whatever he can do, even when that proves a hard task to stick to in the face of disinterest changing attention. He’s kind to his friends, though despite almost always hanging around them, he can be a bit distant sometimes, as if his spirit is far off. When it comes down to it, decisions he hates more than most things, especially ones with lots of time given to think about them. The more time he’s given, the more he tends to overthink things, turning that into a greater problem. He enjoys extreme stuff more as a result, there’s so much less to think about it; in the moment, he just move automatically. He allways gets a bit bitter when talking about the town and seems to harbour some deep resentment of it, but refuses to talk further about it. 》H i s t o r y Adrian was born and raised in Ember Grove and has lived there his entire life. As a child, he always loved visiting other places and would oftentimes spend free days playing near the treeline imagining he was somewhere else. As he grew up, he made some friends at school, though he never tried hard to push his grades forward, instead preferring to just play about with his mates. He didn’t go to college at the end of school, instead choosing just to sign up to an open spot at his local bar and begin work there. On his off days he’d often join whatever drag race he could, or just hang about at home and watch movies or play games. His favourite of which was Elite Dangerous which he could often play for hours, simply enjoying being lost in this little world. In the end though, the dissatisfaction he felt with his current life finally began to wear through and Adrian began to perform more and more dangerous stunts. Whether they were to try and simply entertain himself or just to find some meaning, he wasn’t really sure. What he did know is that he just wanted something … anything to change in his life to bring something to it. That was when he crashed during a drag race, by all rights that was where his story should have ended, slowly fading away in some hospital. But life had other plans for him, or rather Libby Bathory had other plans. She visited his hospital room and gave him the chance to live on or die there, feeling he’d been given a second chance he took it, taking the offer without hesitation. Now he’s one of the latest additions to Clan Bathory, a young vampire, willing to serve his clan leader and fight werewolves. (Not that he’s any good at it, though he hasn’t tried.) Yet all throughout this, he refuses to drink human blood, prefering to fill water bottles with animal blood instead. 》C l a n A member of Clan Bathory 》P u r e b l o o d? No [/center] [/hider]