Cs Name: Olar Gender: Female Age: 15 Species: Elf Faction: Inumimi Appearance: [img]https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/en/uploads/forum_attachment/file/122363/gw_Necro-Vabbian.jpg[/img] Personality: Olar is a powerful sage who can bend the elements to her will in their purest form. She has been trained personally by Ming in hand to hand combat as well Samurai Katana Combat. Olar uses her power to increase flexibility and mobility. She is a kind warrior who follows honor and the Code of Samurai. She will do what she can she help however she won't intervene in fights she is not involved in even if it is a fight to the death. Power 1: Elemental Purity Power 2: Magic Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Her old traditional samurai armor was hand crafted by Ming to withstand the elemental body of Olar.