After a 22 hour flight, Patty was exhausted. Exhausted...and hammered. She exited the airport and took a deep breath, her massive, anime style boobs bouncing as she did. “What the fuck, is it 300 degrees?” The intense heat nearly made her forget why she decided to embark on her journey to Australia, but it was a brief moment until her focus returned. She was there for one reason and one reason only. She was going to become apart of the Jace family one way or another. After a stampede of kangaroos passed through the street leading from the airport into the city, the woman observed her surroundings. She didn’t tell Jace she was coming; she feared that her obsession with his family may not have been well received and he would file for a restraining order against her, so it’d be up to her to find out where exactly the Jace family lived. Patty loudly screamed in the sea of people, “HEY! DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE THE JACE FAMILY LIVES?” An old, homeless man approached her, limping and breathing heavy. “Aye, you’re looking for the Jace family? Those Macedonian fucks?” “Yes!” Patty squealed. “That’s perfect. I have their exact address written down here in my pocket. I just need something from you first.” “Oh, no…” [center]***[/center] Patty exited the bushes 2 minutes later, and she was ready to start her journey to find this glorious family. She’d definitely need a shower and some food so that she could make a great first impression, especially with Grandpa Jace, so she got herself a room at a local inn that was next to a restaurant named Hungry Jack’s. Patty had also decided that it was probably a good idea to wait until the next morning to arrive at the Jace family’s home, during one of Jace’s IBS movements and his weird groaning so that he’d be caught off guard. “Ah yes,” Patty whispered to herself as she looked out her hotel room’s window. “It’ll be perfect.”