Neil whistled when Junebug discharged the ACR-18 for the first time. That device was a thing of unrivaled beauty, and Sayeeda wielded it like she was born to use it. It might not be the usual submachine gun, but it looked perfectly balanced for the type of fighting they were used to. The Pilot hefted the Grenade Launcher over one shoulder in a cavalier fashion as he motioned the lead scientist over with a wave of his hand. "Make sure you send the schematics to my holonet pad so I can make sure I have the correct instructions for the rounds." "You'll make the bullets?" He asked, looking at Junebug and Taya. "I thought you were the Pilot." "I'm a man of many skills, you'll find out. Now please, the schematics?" He asked, and the scientist suddenly realized once more that this was the future prince. He nodded and went off to retrieve them. As he did so, Neil examined the Grenade Launcher. It was different than the standard gas propelled models. It looked electromagnetically charged, which meant it could fire projectiles at a rate that gave them almost no arc unless realigned by a small switch on the side, like a secondary safety. The weapon itself was cobalt black, made from a FiberIron material native to this quadrant of the galaxy. "Yo!" Neil called, and a technician approached. "This thing is made for firing Ion rounds isn't it?" "Good eye. It's a multipurpose weapon. You can even put solid slugs in there. It's something we've been working on for awhile, though it took a backseat to the ACR-18." "Neat-o. I'd ask to shoot it but I kind of want to be surprised." The Pilot said. He placed the strap of the weapon across his chest, settling it comfortably across his back. "I think I'd like some target practice though. Put up a few mannequins at about...say 25 yards? Make it six in a row." He said, and Neil took out his high caliber revolver, opening the chamber and loading it with practiced ease. "With that relic of a gun?" The technician blurted out. "How does it even work?" Neil took no offense, he just smirked. "It's simple. The basic idea of the gun is to cock the hammer back, line up a new cartridge in between the hammer and the barrel and then release the hammer by pulling a trigger. Once you pull the trigger, the spring throws the hammer forward so it hits the primer. The primer explodes, igniting the propellant, which drives the bullet down the barrel. Easy and deadly. Now stack up the targets." The technicians did so, lining up the Mannequins with a press of a button each, and Neil stepped up to the firing line. "Scuse me," he said to his teammates and holstered his gun. Taya looked between Neil and the targets uneasily when nothing happened. "Should I...count?" "Oh yeah, sorry I assumed there was a countdown. Go ahead." "Alright...ready?!" Taya cried, waving a small bandana. What happened next wasn't unprecedented, but still impressively fast as Neil drew his firearm and unloaded every shell as he fanned the hammer in what amounted to barely over a second, hitting four of the targets at center mass and a fifth one in the groin area. He slacked on the last shot and missed, only scraping it with the bullet." Taya cheered, and the Technicians seemed impressed. Neil grinned. "They call me quick-draw because I can uh, cuz I have a q-..quick draw...?" The awkward moment was interrupted when the scientist finally returned, huffing and puffing inside of his suit. "Your royalness, I got the schematics and sent it to your holopad as you requested." "Thanks bitch." [@Penny]