The mage’s attack was met with surprised panic from the patrons throughout the tavern. Many of them scattered frantically for the front door, while others seemed nailed to their seats as they stared at the scene before them. Three of the guards were buried under a sea of wood and wine. Captain Armonte’s face contorted in pain from the blast as he tried his best to worm his way out from under the massive table. With the party in disagreement there was enough time for Armonte to call out to his soldier. “[b][b]Maldito bastardo, non sta solo li[/b][/b],” Armonte barked through gritted teeth. The only guard unaffected by the blast quickly helped pull the table and wood pieces off of his compatriots by order of his commander. One of the guards was rendered unconscious by the attack, but the others managed to scramble back to their feet. Captain Armonte drew a dagger from his person without even bothering to look for his sword. He pushed at the guard who had helped pick him up. “[b]Go, pursue the mage and bring him back to me.[/b]” “[color=7ea7d8]But senore, aren’t we meant to bring members of the League to the Pits,[/color]” questioned the guard. “[b]Non interrogami, gilipollas, fai solo quello che ti dico,[/b]” the captain yelled in return. At his command the guard ran out of the tavern undoubtedly towards the direction of where Karlus had escaped. He looked towards what remained of the party. “[b]I’ll deal with you all in a moment,[/b]” he said angrily. He'd let them bicker among themselves a few moments longer. Continuing his rampage, the captain stormed over towards the barkeep. “[b]Cristohpher,[/b]” he called out like a parent disappointed in their child. He was less angry now, but still stern in his command. “[color=92278f][b]Please Rial, if I’d known the boy was a mage I’d have turned him over to y-[/b][/color]” before Cristopher could continue Captain Armonte interrupted. “[b]Enough,[/b]” with a wave of his hand he silenced the barkeep. “ [b]You know what happens to people who harbor mages, now. Do not resist, my friend. Perhaps his Highness will be merciful.[/b]” The captain placed a firm hand on the barkeep’s shoulder. He looked over to the other conscious guard. “[b]Peri,[/b]” he ordered. “[b]Take mister Cristopher.[/b]” With a nod the barkeep quickly whisked the tavern owner away. There was little resistance on the part of Cristopher. He only looked over to Annabella, and then the others with a sorrowful look. Looking over towards the rest of the party, Cristopher paced forward more cautiously. He looked over Annabella suspiciously without saying much other than the occasional grunt. Looking passed the brute of an orc he saw Kjellfrid sitting anxiously in a chair. “[b]You,[/b]” he called down to her. The Brith, who had been watching with terrified since the start of the incursion, could only stare at the captain, before timidly shifting in her seat. Kjellfrid took a moment to muster the courage to get up from her seat, flashes of past captivity filled her mind and the soldiers who were adjusting themselves reminded her far too much of her captors. She could see their insignias, the Wolframs surely had taken this part of the world as well as paranoia came all to easily to her. Taking a single step forwards before she doubled over, releasing the contents of her stomach into the floor. The stress of everything had made her mind snap in this fashion and she could not help it. [color=red]”[b]I- I am-[/b]“[/color] she was interrupted once more by her stomach regurgitating it’s contents. Her stomach quickly calmed itself as she formulated shaky and breathless words, [color=red]”[b]I am sorry.[/b]”[/color] Armonte’s face contorted in disgust as his body shifted slightly backwards away from the brith and orc. He thought to himself for a moment before looking over the group one more time. “[b]In all of my years serving this city, not once, have I been forced to endure as miserable a company as yours. I’d suspected you were Dantel’s underlings, but given your absolute and profound ineptitude I have been convinced otherwise. I will see you all out of my city by nightfall, but first you will assist me in apprehending the mage.[/b]” His gave shifted back towards Kjellfrid. She seemed easiest to break. “[b]Who is the mage, I want a name, now,[/b]” he demanded. His gaze shifted among the others for a moment before returning to Kjellfrid. “[b]And with Cristo as my witness if you speak lies to me, cat, you will all spend the rest of your wretched lives in the Pits.[/b]” He looked to her, meek and silent in her response. “[b]Speak,[/b]” he threatened louder this time. Kjellfrid took a moment to gaze at the man in fear before stammering out an answer, [color=red]”[b]I-I don’t know! I-I-I am here on behalf of the Von Wolfram family![/b]”[/color] She scrambled to her feet, yet not having the courage to meet the man’s gaze. Her hands fidgeted as her claws met each other. Armonte looked the brith over with an eyebrow raised. On her small pauldron, he saw it, the insignia of the Astorian noble house. “[b]A brith working for the Wolfram noble house,[/b]” he questioned as he gave an inarticulate grunt. “[b]I can only pretend to fathom what you’re doing in my port, then. What I need from you is information about that mage. Did you bring him to this city? He spoke with an Astorian accent. House Wolfram is Astorian. Which ship did he come here on? Something,[/b]” as he said his last word he moved closer to the brith. “[b]Give me that, and perhaps you can return home to your Wolfram’s.[/b]” [color=red]”[b]I-I don’t know who he is! H-he was on the same ship as I, but I-I came here alone![/b]”[/color] Kjellfrid said, her voice shaking as she stepped back from the man. “[b]Same ship,[/b]” he asked. “[b]Well, then what is your name?[/b]” Kjellfrid stared at him for a moment, unsure if she even knew her own name properly or not, but she forced herself to dispel some of the anxiety which would have only lingered regardless. Her heart pounded hard, she could feel her own pulse while merely standing there and looking at this man. [color=red]”K-Kjellfrid Bjornsdottir,”[/color] she answered, before her gaze turned to the ground as she stepped back once more. [color=red]”[b]A-am I free, t-to go?[/b]”[/color] she asked, her claws continually pressing against each other, nervously playing as the Brith knew not what to do in this situation. “[b]Free, no, but you’ve proven more useful than the rest.[/b]” Armonte nodded her off before turning to the others. By this point most of the tavern had been cleared of guests save for a few souls far too mired in drink to do much of anything save bury themselves in their seats. Armonte sized the warrior up first. He’d been the most antagonistic save for the table-throwing mage. Eventually, he began to pace back and forth as he examined each of them. Next it was the orc, and finally the tiefling. “[b]In due time i will have captured that mage. Should you aid me in that process I will allow the rest of you to leave the city. I’ve sent Cerio after him, the poor boy. You will pursue them both and ensure the mage is brought to me. One of you will stay behind here with me.[/b]” His glance shifted towards Kjellfrid as he nudged his head in her direction. “[b]Fail to return, and I will cut her down.[/b]” His attention moved again towards Sigemund and Vekyzz. “ [b]Or you could overpower me, tie me up, perhaps even kill me. Cristo knows, I couldn’t stop you all with only this dagger.[/b]” He almost chuckled to himself, a surreal sort of smile threatened the sides of his mouth. "[b]Truth be told, the League has stretched us thin. Made boys play at being soldiers. I sent my men away because I knew you could kill them too.[/b]" His eyes narrowed. “[b]But know this. Do what you will to me... the might of this entire city will be upon you. Where I may have failed The Cedar Bull will not. Prince Stantos [i]will not[/i].[/b]” He was close enough to Annabella, Sigemund, and Vekyzz that each could smell the scent of fish and cigars on his breath. Backing away from them, he held his arms up in a sort of lackluster surrender, though was sure to keep his dagger in hand. “[b]I’d make your decision quickly.[/b]” [hr] [center][i]Collaboration between [@Lauder] and [@Famotill][/i][/center]