[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JOnRovN.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191218/a2b1657e9fc3127c02b79adbbd7c961c.png[/img] [hr][sup][b][color=FFC0CB]❀[/color] Spring 1 • Year 1 [color=FFC0CB]❀[/color][/b][/sup] [sub][b][color=F0E68C]Location:[/color][/b] Root River Clinic -> General Store[/sub] [hr][/center]Overall, Xavier found Root River to be a sleepy little town. As a child, he'd had no lack of surprises and adventure both in and around the small settlement, but as the years passed and people moved away, the community quieted down and now the days were mostly peaceful. At least, that was the impression the young new owner of the Root River Clinic got since moving back to town recently. Although threatened, the current clean air of nature kept most of the residents in good health, and Xavier hadn't seen a lot of patients with major health concerns - mostly just minor cuts and scrapes, the occasional stomach bug, etc. No emergencies yet. Which is why, when the clinic's phone rang in the early hours of the morning, Xavier laid in bed upstairs perplexed about what had woken him up. The constant, monotone [i]briiiing briiiing briiiing[/i] didn't click with him at first, but once he finally processed the sound as the [i]clinic's phone[/i] Xavier all but scrambled out of bed and stumbled his way downstairs. It seemed like the sun was just beginning to rise - no light came through the clinic's windows, which was all the better because Xavier, in his rush to answer, was dressed only in his sleeping shirt and boxers. [color=F0E68C]"Hello?!"[/color] the young man answered in a bit of a panic, snatching the phone from it's receiver, but all he was met with was an even dial tone. Missed call. He set the phone back down, and as Xavier was about to fiddle with the buttons to call whoever it was back, the blinking red light of a [i]new message![/i] came to life. The not-yet-a-doctor wasted no time in listening to said message just in case someone needed help immediately. Why else would they be calling at such an early hour? ...of course, after hearing the words left behind by the Mayor, that didn't seem to be the case. It was simultaneously frustrating and relieving. With all the panic suddenly gone from his system, Xavier's body was instead flooded with sleepiness. He sighed and briefly rubbed his eyes with one hand. Back to bed... or not. It was a special day after all, might as well stay up and get ready for it. The rest of Xavier's early morning thankfully passed in peace. He groomed and dressed himself before heading outside to the yard behind the clinic he currently called home. There, a large rabbit hutch sat with three well looked after bunnies inside. [color=F0E68C]"Good morning girls,"[/color] Xavier greeted to the rabbits softly, cleaning the hutch and giving the fluffy creatures their breakfast. As the rabbits munched away, Xavier took the time to watch the rest of the sunrise of the first day of the year. There was a slight chill in the air, both the last grips of Winter and the mysterious "Rot" that sullied the attitudes of the residents, but even so it was a time of happiness and hope! Clinging to that notion, the young apothecary went back inside to finish up the rest of his morning routine. One small breakfast later (and the realization that his fridge and pantry were getting dangerously close to barren), the phone rang once again. This time on the other end was Xavier's father, a pleasant surprise. "Morning Xavier! Happy New Year!" [color=F0E68C]"You too Dad! Hope you and Mom are doing okay."[/color] "We're fine, don't worry about us. How's it going in Root River? You know I saw on the TV that BigCo.--" [color=F0E68C]"I've been fine,"[/color] Xavier interrupted, not really keen to discuss the potential town leveling on the first day of the year. [color=F0E68C]"I even got a call from Mayor Yuletree already, about the New Year's Picnic. I completely forgot about it - actually, I'm kind of surprised it still happens."[/color] "Oh, yeah, those were always fun, huh? ...wait, [i]Yuletree?[/i] Not the same Mayor since I was a kid, right? I swear there was even a 'Mayor Yuletree' when your grandfather used to tell me stories about when [i]he[/i] was a kid." [color=F0E68C]"Um... Maybe? Anyway, it's been nice to hear from you, but--"[/color] "Wait, you remember you have to bring something to the Mayor's place, right? It's like a potluck." [color=F0E68C]"He made that very clear,"[/color] Xavier laughed. Indeed, he'd need a trip to the local market to restock not only his own home with food, but figure something out to bring to the picnic. The Price men exchanged a few more words before signing off, and after that it was out the door for Xavier. First thing's first: what should he bring to the picnic? The young man considered that question as he hung a sign on the clinic reading "[b][i]Out for the holiday. Need medical attention or advice? I'll be in town, please come see me. - Xavier Price.[/i][/b]" and made a beeline for the general store. He hadn't gone to a 'New Year's Picnic' since he was a kid, so he had no clue what would be nice to bring. Something to appease the Mayor, sure, but also enough to share with everyone. Xavier dabbled in cooking every now and then, it was fun and... cathartic, in a sense, but he wasn't particularly amazing at it. Not only that but he wasn't exactly making bank at the clinic. Lack of business combined with his general aversion to charging a lot for care, [i]and[/i] his loan payments, meant Xavier was living on a strict budget. [i]Well, it doesn't really bother me,[/i] he thought, [i]just means I need to get kind of creative... maybe... something apple-y?[/i] With "apple-y" on the mind, Xavier arrived at the town market and went in.