[@CelesteEste] Oh wow Celeste, you know way more about Yuki Yuna than I do, really put me into a research frenzy and I need an English translation Nogi Wakaba stat! I was so disappointed when I finished the show cause I thought that was all there was, to me it felt like another dark magical girl anime where it explored the same kind of depth as Madoka did but with a little less [hider=Madoka spoilers] death based tragedy.[/hider] (Which I loved because all of the drama was focused more on the consequences of being caught in a lie you didn't sign up for and the mental strain it put on the girls.) Also I thought it was the coolest thing in the beginning that there was a magical girl in a wheelchair that tied into her actual costume and power design. Though her friend in the hospital always hit me pretty hard, and thanks to knowing now that they expanded the lore in japan I also feel very sad to find out the circumstances that lead to that being the case as well. I would love to see that adventure prequel animated now, as well as Nogi Wakaba. [hr] [@Allycat] Wow that's a lot of anime experience you have there! I like magical girl anime when it's got a strong narrative to it, but I must admit I don't have that much experience with the genre by comparison. I would definitely miss quite a bit if I was trying to list them all off but following suit my experiences are mostly confined to Sailor Moon, Prisma Illya, Madoka Magica (and spin offs), Card Captor Sakura, Yuki Yuna is a Hero!, and of course Pretty Cure. Not sure which season it was but me and my sister watched a dubbed version of Pretty Cure where they 4kids'd the hell out of it and changed everything to the point it was stupidly hilarious. The american one was called "Glitter Force" and we watched it on taco nights because it was pretty ridiculous. And if you want to consider indirect transformation animes as part inspirations, Kill La Kill is freakin awesome and I'll love it forever, Panty and Stocking is a pretty good one about (not so) magical girls, and who can forget the long time magical girl anime classic, Dragon Ball Z. [hider=A classic.] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/475156268944719895/656961517790429225/55.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider]