[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] Shifting as Aurelio joined them, Alicia gave the magician a wry grin. His return was sudden and unexpected, and it was a bit too bad really. They would just have to make the best of it. [color=aba000]"When you said you would try to be there for the trial, I didn't think you meant being part of it,"[/color] she observed, though that was all she said for now. Entering the Hall of Divine Judgment, the changes there threw her off for a moment and left her wondering why it had changed. She didn't mind the old timey courtroom aesthetic, but given their professed beliefs one would think the old set up would be preferable for them anyway. Maybe it had something to do with distractions? But this was something fairly unimportant compared to the other things that she had to worry about. For now she was guided to the stand with the others to face the trial. The judges opposite them were unfamiliar, even the Beckoners. The tension was palpable in the air, and she knew that expecting a lenient trial would be hoping for too much. But there was no more time as the trial was called to order. Alicia stood proud, her head held high even as the charges were read out. Then as expected Sylvia made her move, claiming full responsibility for what had happened. Her eyes met Sylvia's, even as the feelings in her heart continued to push her onwards. She would not allow this. Not so long as a Seraph of Beacon. So once they asked her to comment, she wasted no time in stepping forwards. [color=aba000]"My name is Alicia Hayden. I am a Seraph of Beacon. It is a great responsibility that I have been entrusted with. And I cannot in good conscience allow my superior to take the blame on herself for all of these crimes, especially in light of my own responsibility in them."[/color] She shifted, giving Sylvia an apologetic look before going on. [color=aba000]"We are innocent of the charge of dereliction of duty and its related charges. We were transported, against our will, to a pocket dimension where time moved faster than it does in this world. For us it was only three days, and we were unaware that months had passed here."[/color] She swept the crowd, trying to make eye contact with as many people as possible. [color=aba000]"There are a pair of sisters in Penrose, who deal in the business of wishes at the behest of their patron. I don't know exactly what happened, but in the events preceding our return it became clear that they had aided this Lesser Force in some manner to give him power beyond his normal limits."[/color] Despite the circumstances, she felt bad giving up the information about the Djinn sisters to those gathered here. But there was no way to explain otherwise, and she wasn't even confident that they would believe it even after she had said it. For now, she plunged on. [color=aba000]"The presence of Kimble was my responsibility. During the events of Justine Von Visceral's reign of terror, we participated in an assault on her castle. Kimble was part of the defending force, and was seriously injured during the battle. Using my powers, I determined that she had been mind controlled by Justine into fighting us, and that she was no threat otherwise. Initially I had intended that she would only remain until she had healed, but I guess familiarity grew and things got away from us."[/color] It was a weak excuse, but she did not have much better. She then turned to talk about the other individual who was the subject of this trial. [color=aba000]"I was also the one who arranged for the alliance with Penny and her patron. There had just been a terrorist attack on a gathering of all the cities magical girls, with ourselves pinned as responsible. We didn't know who actually did it at the time, but we couldn't allow ourselves to become isolated from the general population in a time of crisis."[/color] It seemed like it had been ages ago since then, and so much had changed. It was incredible really. [color=aba000]"As it turned out it was a ruse by her patron, but her experiences with us motivated her to reveal that and join us, before she did us any harm"[/color] Then, her gaze fell. [color=aba000]"As for the White Coin...."[/color] There was a deep breath, a marshaling of will before she could face the tribunal again. [color=aba000]"Our branch has suffered heavily in the past few months, even before we vanished. Our headquarters was destroyed, our members subverted by dark forces such as Justine and others who plotted harm to the people of this city and plotted our own destruction. If someone like that could use twist our minds, turn our very own sisters against us, then what chance would we have? We saw a potential threat, and we acted to address it."[/color] There was a small shrug from her. [color=aba000]"I thought the Beckoners had approved it, but I was mistaken."[/color] A few steps carried her forwards, practically up against the railing at this point. Had she been able to use her wings at this point, they would have been spread wide and shining with a brilliant radiance. Alicia would have to make due without it. [color=aba000]"I am a Seraph. I believe in Beacon, it's ideals, it's purpose, it's mission, the people who are part of it. But the people out there, beyond these walls....We're supposed to be an example, a light guiding all to what magical girls can and should aspire to be. But the people out there don't see us like that. They see us as zealots, as murderers, and they'd rather side with the monsters and the creatures lurking in the dark because of how easy it is to spin a sob story that makes us look bad. What good is a beacon when no one wants to follow it?[/color] She fixed upon the judges, directly looking at each in turn. [color=aba000]"I believe that people should be judged by what they do, and how they choose to use their powers. If that is a crime, then so be it."[/color] Now, to see if it mattered even in the slightest. Or if this would be the end for her.