[img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cd4y4K5.jpg[/img][/center][img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] Dragon Queen’s eye slowly flitted in a deafening pace until it stared directly on the nonchalant fox perched on her shoulder. Weaker creatures might have cowered beneath her steely and very annoyed gaze, but not a fellow being from beyond. [color=darkorchid][i]“Again with the flattery. Do you have a habit of ignoring what people tell you?”[/i][/color] Dragon Queen growled with obvious disdain. For now, she didn’t flick Akane off quite yet, wings flapping but making no move to do so. [color=darkorchid][i]“Very well fox, if it quickens your time away from me. I do not know how we arrive in this world, only that we do. A disruption in space and time perhaps. If it’s not obvious, the Warp Quakes are an after effect of our presence in this world.”[/i][/color] Dragon Queen had since reached a patch of abandoned land far off and away from the city. It was there where she began her descent, wings flattening the air around her as her great body lowered more and more. [color=darkorchid][i]“Secondly, these MFF are arrogant humans who understand nothing. Nuisances at their best, pests who need to be destroyed at their worst. The reason is obvious; those who hunt and kill our kind, I despise.”[/i][/color] A pause. [color=darkorchid][i]“Your third question can be answered by the other two. You look like a clever one, so you can figure it out.”[/i][/color] The Dragon Queen tilted her shoulder to plop the fox off her body and onto the ground below. She expected Akane to be able to land as gracefully as her appearance gave off. Then, with another heave of her wings, the GMG rose into the sky once again. [color=darkorchid][i]“I trust you can find your way back home. Don’t bother looking for me. As long as this MFF continues to harm our kind, I will never forgive them,”[/i][/color] she warned. She locked gazes with the fox a moment longer before completely rising into the atmosphere. [color=darkorchid][i]“You should do well in considering whose side deserves your loyalty more,”[/i][/color] was Dragon Queen’s lingering thoughts before she was gone. [img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img]