[table][row][i][b][color=mediumslateblue]Belisendé[/color][/b] [color=peachpuff]Daybreak[/color] | Fortress' South Side[/i][/row][cell] Mission accomplished - well, sort of. Her arrow had indeed stopped the axeman from targeting any of her comrades, but he was still alive, and angry. Bel watched, slightly mortified, as the man ripped the arrow from his flesh and made a beeline for her. She didn't know if it was pure adrenaline that had the man running towards her with blood spilling from his open wound, or if the problem was her. Was her arm too weak, did the arrow not do as much damage as she'd thought? The girl sucked in a quick, steadying breath and silently urged the wild horse below her not to rush ahead to meet the man's charge. For what is was worth, Sunbeam seemed to heed her thoughts and didn't move save for stomping the ground in an attempt to intimidate everyone around. Not many would find a horse, even one Sunbeam's size, very scary - but a wyvern was another story. As Bel nocked and let fly another arrow at the brigand getting dangerously close to her, suddenly the heavy flap of wings announced Mors' and Branna's arrival. Bel had, maybe not so secretly, found the woman and her wyvern to be a little frightening, but the sight of them now relieved her instead. Their strength was nothing to scoff at, and if Bel's arrow didn't take the axe down then surely the wyvern's teeth would finish the job. That wasn't the only welcomed arrival however. A pure, healing light washed over Bel and she blinked as the wound she'd received earlier started to close up. Surprised, the pink-haired archer turned to see Wes casting his white magic beside her. [color=mediumslateblue]"Wes, thank you!"[/color] Contrary to earlier when she'd split from the larger group, now that she was back in the thick of it with companions by her side, Bel's heart was lifted and her conviction grew stronger. [/cell] [cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/2WE67jO.png[/img] [center]_________________________ Status: [color=lawngreen]Alive[/color] Currently: Attacking [/center][u]Class[/u]: Squire [u]EXP[/u]: 55 [u]Inventory[/u]:[list] [*]Iron Bow (2/3) [*]Vulnerary (3/3)[/list] [hider=Stats][u]END[/u]: E [u]STR[/u]: E [u]MAG[/u]: D [u]DEX[/u]: C ([i]+2[/i]) [u]SPD[/u]: D [u]DEF[/u]: E [u]RES[/u]: D [u]LCK[/u]: C[/hider] [hider=Supports]N/A[/hider][/cell][/table]