[color=mistyrose]“So much for that plan. Alright guys, cut it for now. This isn't working.”[/color] Visibly unamused, Anaya comanded her little band to stop playing, before looking over the part of the crowd wanting to tear her head off. Their insults didn't really affect her, like she had heard them before. Or the fact that she didn't have a pet. [color=mistyrose]“Easy, easy. I see that wasn't your taste, so...”[/color] She looked back to the Endsinger. The spirit girl wasn't planing on attacking yet still. The lich wasn't really attacking anyone either though, now that she looked closely. Sure, the Endsinger was making some of the other magical girls go blood thirsty, but Anaya didn't mind that. She could do worse. [color=mistyrose]“Heh.”[/color] A little smile crept onto her face. Maybe this ain't that bad. [color=mistyrose]“How about this?”[/color] So instead of trying to counter the lich's music, Anaya used her sound magic to amplify it. [hider=Hypocrite or Philistine?] [YouTube]https://youtu.be/zKUqZrSlapc[/Youtube] [/hider] But still, tough crowd.