[table][row][center][h3]Artemisia[/h3] [i][b]Alymere Fort Exterior[/b][/i][/center][/row][cell] Following her incantation, Einer moved forward to capitalize on Artemisia's provided opportunity. Before fully committing, however, he cast a glance back at her to offer a compliment. The dark mage permitted herself a smug smirk. “Of course. My magic is remarkably potent.” Then he was off, into the breach and striking out at the foes within, kicking and thrusting like he was being paid for it. Of course, she couldn't let him keep all the fun for himself, but she needed a moment to recover before casting again. Alnard himself arrived to sustain the attack, following Einar through the broken wall. Together they continued the attack, and when Hadrick appeared alongside Artemisia, they moved in one after another. Inside, the dust and dark particles had just about cleared, leaving just friend and foe to sort out their differences. Unfortunately for them, the brigands seemed outnumbered. Artemisia pondered her team's good fortune, wondering if the squatters lacked the manpower to repel the attack, or if the blasting strategy was just that good. Either way, while Alnard engaged the brigand, she could scoot freely to the side and ready another Flux. Smaller and more compact, she held it aloft and waited for a chance. If Alnard possessed even the slightest situational awareness, he'd disengage with a parting blow and give her the chance to sneak in a Flux that'd make his job that much easier. Maybe it would even kill the guy, after that fireball. Her plan went awry as the dynamic shifted. A full-bodied blow from the man fighting Einar brought him out of close quarters, and the swordsman went after Artemisia and Alnard's target instead. That left the other vagabond to deal with herself and Hadrick, but the dark mage hadn't counted on someone challenging her directly and was out of position. Undefended, she made for a tempting target, and she knew it. With a yell Artemisia flung her Flux at the free bandit, but her aim was high and her shot easily avoidable. She turned the movement of her arm into a sideways swing, pivoting to dart behind Hadrick for protection, but in her panicked state she harbored no idea whether or not she'd make it in time.[/cell] [cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wW8IBnQ.png[/img] __________________________ Status: [color=lawngreen]Alive but starting to fatigue[/color] [/center][u]Class:[/u] Occultist [u]Inv:[/u] Vulnerary, Book of Secrets [/cell][/table]