Alex wiped herself down with baby wipes, considering there weren't any showers available to them. She quickly changed from her white uniform into a uniform with a red top and black bottoms. This uniform was the one she practiced in. The Masters wore white pants, those working towards Mastery wore black pants. She tied her black belt around her waist which proudly displayed "Alex Hawke" in gold lettering and two golden stripes. Alex met up with the others. They talked and stretched together, ensuring their performance would be stellar. Their dojang was announced and they all stepped out together onto the mats. The lights were dimmed except for those above the performers. The stands quieted down as the music for their performance began. It sounded like the serene ambiance music one would expect from a martial arts movie. Alex stood towards the front of the group of twelve. All at once they moved together, their movements incredibly fluid. They all shouted together, threw their kicks together, and performed their blocks together. They were all moving as one unit. Suddenly the students split into two groups and the music picked up. They began to play out a scene. Six-versus-six. Alex knew her part well. Her and her partner, a man named Johnny, performed first. They ran to the center of the split group. Johnny threw an amazing tornado kick. Alex allowed his foot to come within a few inches of her face and rolled backwards as if she were hit. At the proper angles it really did look like she was struck. She continued the roll all the way onto her feet. Now it was her turn to retaliate. She threw first a front kick to his stomach, he acted as though the air was knocked out of him, then a jumping double front kick to his face. He did a complete backflip and landed on his feet. Now it was back to him. He began with a knotted kick to her knee, then side. Alex reacted as though she were hit, clutching her ribs with a face of mock pain. He then performed a back side kick to her stomach, in which she buckled her knees, then he finished it with an axe kick, sending her flat onto her stomach. Now was the big finish of their fight scene. Alex performed an incredibly explosive pushup, allowing her time to jump, tuck her knees to her chest and land in a fighting stance. She shouted her gym's, "Kyup!" and went for the finale. She performed a flying sidekick to his head, making him snap his neck back in a dramatic fashion. She then followed up in lightning fast succession a 45 degree roundhouse to the ribs leading into a spinning back side kick which finally ended up into a spectacular jump spinning back swing kick. Johnny jumped and spun his whole body into the air, spinning like a torpedo. He landed roughly on his back. Alex ran over to Johnny, grabbed his hand, and lifted him up. He jumped into the air, using her momentum, and performed a front flip. The two returned to the center and shook hands. They then returned to their respective groups and the next pair went up. Once the final pair was finished, all twelve reformed in their original rectangular formation. The music slowed as they performed more fluid, gentle moves. The music ended right on time. All black belts performing bowed to the crowd as they cheered and clapped. Alex looked out to the audience, unable to keep the big smile off her face. Much to her delight she saw Cole up cheering for her without Chelsea. The performers were dismissed. Alex stepped off the mat, ensuring to bow to it, and made her way to Cole. "Hey! How'd you like it?" she asked, smile as wide as ever. "Sorry if I'm kinda sweaty."