[hider=Lucius (Complete)] [color=lightgray][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191220/277fac4d11095b2af58a8da4530e165c.png[/img][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/02/00/c4/0200c4ae99eb6b23609751bafebc8ce1.jpg[/img] [h3][color=CDBD2B][i]"There is no progress without conflict. I am merely one agent among many."[/i][/color][/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][h3][color=CDBD2B]Name[/color] | Lucius[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Gender[/color] | Male[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Age[/color] | August 3rd of 142 C.E.[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Origin[/color] | Roman Empire[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Race:[/color] | Warlock[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Coven:[/color] | Children of the Black Moon[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Skill Level[/color] | Advanced[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Specialization[/color] | Illusions[/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] [h3][color=CDBD2B]Appearance[/color][/h3][/sub] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=] [sub] [COLOR=lightgray]• [color=CDBD2B][b]Height[/b][/color] | [i]198.1 cm/ 6' 6"[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Weight[/b][/color] | [i]97.5 kg/ 215 lbs[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Hair Colour[/b][/color] | [i]Black[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Hair Length[/b][/color] | [i]Medium[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Skin Color[/b][/color] | [i]Light Tan[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Eye Colour[/b][/color] | [i]Silver-blue[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider] [center][h3][color=CDBD2B]Relantionships[/color][/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=] [sub] [COLOR=lightgray]• [color=CDBD2B][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | [i]Heterosexual[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Relationship Status[/b][/color] | [i]Single[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Friends[/b][/color] | [i]None[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Siblings[/b][/color] | [i]Dead[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Parents' Status[/b][/color] | [i]Dead[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Pets[/b][/color] | [i]A black wolf named Cerberus[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Openness to Friends[/b][/color] | [i]2[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Openness to Romance[/b][/color] | [i]1[/i] [/COLOR][/sub][/hider] [center][h3][color=CDBD2B]Interests[/color][/h3] [color=black][sup]__________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=] [sub] [COLOR=lightgray]• [color=CDBD2B][b]Likes[/b][/color] [i]✡ Curiosity[/i] [i]✡ Well-educated Individuals[/i] [i]✡ Conflict[/i] [i]✡ Chaos[/i] [i]✡ Manipulating People[/i] [i]✡ Bitter Drinks[/i] [i]✡ Mental Torture[/i] [i]✡ Artifacts of his Youth[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] [i]✡ Optimism[/i] [i]✡ Generosity[/i] [i]✡ Le Coven Éclairé [/i] [i]✡ Stupidity[/i] [i]✡ Wasting his time[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Hobbies[/b][/color] [i]✡ Writing[/i] [i]✡ Chess[/i] [i]✡ Games of Chance[/i] [i]✡ Sowing Mistrust[/i] [i]✡ Developing new magic[/i] [i]✡ Destroying Organizations from within[/i] • [color=CDBD2B][b]Skills[/b][/color] [i]✡ Manipulation[/i] [i]✡ Deception[/i] [i]✡ Patient[/i] [i]✡ Expert Planner[/i] [i]✡ Master of Disguise[/i] [i]✡ Jack of all trades[/i] [/COLOR][/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][b] [color=CDBD2B]Personality[/color][/b] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [indent] • Indifferent • Patient • Cynical • Ruthless • Charming • Precise Lucius's personality is as ever changing to match his current goals and identity. At one time he could be a energetic, young man that wouldn't hesitate to lend a hand or a confused, old man at the end of his lifespan. Whatever the situation or his role demands Lucius can execute with credibility and sincerity. Rarely does he ever show what lies under the mask and it often does not end well for those who find out. Centuries of interacting with all kinds of people has allowed him to mimic their identities to near perfection, copying even their mannerism and quirks. His current personality is one of a wizened elder seeking to educate the younger masses. Lucius goes out of his ways to explain the benefits of even the most [i]forbidden[/i] spells and ways to avoid some of the potentially nasty side effects. He always appears to be in a rush to get from one location to another, but never failing to answer a question from one of his students. Those in need can go to him for advice without judgement and be confident that their conversation will stay between them. Despite his passion for teaching, he sometimes forgets rather menial things and can come off a tad disjointed. However, he never misses a single word when instructing others. Those who manage to ire him will find themselves receiving a not-so-subtle passive threat. One of the quickest ways to ire him appear to be mishandling books and other important documents, especially relating to spells and witchcraft. He shows great pride in being a Warlock and encourages others to take pride in themselves as well. He is devoutly focused on experimenting with spells both old and new when not taking the time to teach others. Because he is always in a rush, those who try to talk with him when he's on the move will often receive quick, blunt responses. This is all but a fabrication to cover his true goals. What lies underneath all the secrecy and deception is a man who is determined to set the world aflame. The ice in his veins and the lack of emotions in his eyes would put even the oldest of vampires to shame. He feels no companionship with his fellow witches or anyone for that matter. Without the mask lies a empty shell of what once was a person, a heart twisted by loss and hatred. It does not matter what the other person may feel, Lucius feels no remorse in murdering them or worse. Everything he does is to further a singular goal: an all-out war between vampires, witches, were-wolves, and humanity. He does this on the belief that conflict is the only way to progress as a species and is the only way that individuals can unlock their inner potential. [/indent] [b] [color=CDBD2B]History[/color][/b] [sub][sup][color=black]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color][/sup][/sub] [INDENT] The history of Lucius begins in a mansion located in central Italy, outside of the Roman capital. Born [b]Lucius Axius Cecilianus[/b] to an influential senator and the leader of Rome's main coven at the time, Lucius was their first-born son and received an extensive education in both magic and politics. His parents were both passionate patriots of the Roman Empire and instilled this devotion into their son and subsequent children. His mother's coven was like most unknown to the public but a few, select individuals were allowed to know of their existence and that included Lucius's father. The coven supported the Empire from behinds the scenes and often used their knowledge of herbs to make non-magical medicines for use on the battlefield. A few even operated as field medics and prided themselves in their service they provided during battle. It was to his parents surprise when Lucius decided to enlist in the Roman Legionaries, but eventually was supported by both his parents. After all, he would be bringing glory to both their household and to Rome. His parents believed the experience and recognition he gained on the front would make him a better man and increased his position within Roman society. While his mother did fear somewhat for his safety, he was more prepared than most possessing an already extensive grasp of magic. Lucius was barely 20 years of age when his Legion, under the command of general Marcus Claudius Fronto, was sent against the armies of Parthia. He found strength in the bonds formed with his fellow legionaries and was became well-respected in the legion as a skilled warrior and a brilliant leader. Rome was his mind, his soul, and his blood. An extravagant party was held at his mansion upon his return and greeted by everyone as a hero, save for his youngest brother. For whatever reason his youngest brother, named Manius Sornatius Cecilianus, did not possess the gifts of magic, creating a deep resentment towards his more successful eldest brother and magic in large. He did not believe that any of Lucius's accomplishments were valid and that the entire coven of witches was the source of Rome's slowly deteriorating state. While the rest of the family celebrated the return of the eldest son, the youngest had already been sewing the seeds of his plan. After a brief respite, Lucius returned to active duty this time protecting the northern provinces of Rome against the increasingly dangerous Germanic Tribes. This time instead of the glorious victory achieved against Parthia, he fought a seemingly endless battle where many of his close friends lost their lives. During this time, his youngest brother was making his moves and moving up the political ladder of Roman society. At the same time, the current emperor Marcus Aurelius was increasing the persecution of Christians and other threats to Roman society. Manius managed to secure himself a position on the Senate with the support of his father. From there, he enacted his terrible plan. He made it know to Marcus Aurelius of the secret coven meddling in the affairs of the Roman State and convinced him that it was a grave threat to the very existence of Rome. Thus, under the authority of the Emperor, Manius founded the one of the first hunter organizations named [b]"Manus ab Imperatore"[/b], meaning [b]"Hands of the Emperor"[/b], with its members being named [b]"venatores"[/b] or simply hunters. Manius used his mother position as the head of the coven to research methods and ways to hunt down members of the coven. One by one, the venatores began to attack members of the coven often torturing them before ultimately ending their lives. Meanwhile, Lucius had become hardened from a decade of endless fighting and bloodshed. Three times his legion had encountered what the men had called "Berserkers" which he understood to be werewolves in reality. However, the name was still accurate as they would fly into a rage once they transformed due in part to a substance later known as Lupus Hydroxybutyrate. Three times he encountered these forces of nature and three times he survived by the skin of his teeth. The only reason his legion was alive was thanks to his knowledge of the beasts and how to take them down. He might have been promoted to Legate if not for his brother's betrayal. Lucius's return from his many battles against the Germanic tribes was not met with the same reception as his first campaign. Weary of War, Lucius soon discovered that it had followed him home with his coven and family as its victims. Blood drenched the marble stone of his family home, his two younger sisters, father, and mother laid slain in the central courtyard. Manius emerged from the shadows along with his venatores surrounding Lucius and when the two locked eyes everything was clear. The youngest demanded the eldest to surrender, wanting to make a public example of him for the emperor. Manius quickly discovered that Lucius's skills and talents forged on the battlefield were not a mere product of magic. As the blade of Lucius's sword plunged into the his pleading brother's neck, the last lights of humanity of within him died. After dispatching Manius and his venatores, Lucius quickly prepared the ritual to resurrect his dead mother using the fresh heart from his brother as the sacrifice. Due to his haste and desperation, he was forced to end the suffering of the abomination that resulted from the botched spell. Wracked by the loss of his family and his anger at Rome itself, Lucius assumed the form of Manius after dealing with his younger brother's remains by feeding it to the dog that would later become his only cherished possession. Lucius used his brother's position in his grand plan to bring the entire Roman Empire to its knees using the Manus ab Imperatore to carry out his wishes, transforming the hunters into agents independent of the Emperor. He had traded in his blade and shield for the weapons of subterfuge. Eventually, he was forced to retire his stolen image as he grew in age but did not slow down in his goal. All his patience and planning culminated in the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 after causing it to rot from the inside out. By then, Lucius had begun to see the necessity of conflict and its importance in forging great empires and great people when in truth he simply took great pleasure in turning people against each other. Lucius the protege Warlock and Legionaire was replaced by Lucius the Deceiver, a dark and twisted man that wanted to see the world burn in bloody war. After the Empire's fall, Lucius further explored the mysteries and potential of forbidden spells with a great deal created by his hands and furthering his descent into darkness. He spent the next centuries sowing conflict and chaos in different countries and organizations across the world, always assuming a new identity to pursue his demented dreams. Over time it became his sole obsession and whatever remained of the Lucius before was long since dead. At last his actions and beliefs culminated in his grand vision of a global war fought between witches, vampires, werewolves, and humanity that would provide the next great leap in their evolution. Those who didn't survive this massive all-out war simply did not possess the strength to enter this enlightened era. This had led him to Ember Grove and indirectly to the Children of the Black Moon. The large population of humans, werewolves, vampires, and witches seemed like the next step in his master plan. Lucius arrived in Ember Grove having already obtained United States citizenship a decade earlier and introduced himself to Rachel as Lucius, a wandering and weary Warlock that was looking to settle down and pass on his accumulated knowledge to the next generation of witches. Here the foundations of his life's work could be planted at last. [/INDENT] [/cell][/row][/table][/color] [/hider]