[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191112/6641a11c5550b180891f773c462acef8.png[/img][/center] [hr] [@Silver Carrot][@Th3King0fChaos][@Dirty Pretty Lies] [color=#F9EB7E]"Oh, nah, I'm fine. I've already drank plenty today, so right now I'm content to just sit back and rela-"[/color] And then Michael remembered that he'd left his room with an actual goal in mind this time, instead of his usual aimless wandering. [color=#F9EB7E]"Oh wait, crap!"[/color] He shouted, rolling off his sword and onto the ground, before promptly standing back up and starting to run. [color=#F9EB7E]"I got distracted again, I was meant to-, crap!"[/color] He looked back to Joziah and Gene. [color=#F9EB7E]"Sorry guys, I've gotta go. I was trying to find my roomie, but forgot 'cause I'm... uh, kinda dumb, I guess... Anyway, I'll see you guys later, and... [i]probably[/i] remember your names. So yeah, see ya!"[/color] And then he was off, running through the rest of the rooms until he was outside, where he felt safe enough to summon another weapon to fly on at the speed he wanted to but also not crash into any walls. This time, he decided to go with a spear. He hopped on in a way similar to a witch on a broomstick, and after a few moments to gain his balance, he started rising into the air. Before too long, he was high enough to look around the school and get a solid mental map. [color=#F9EB7E]"Alright, if I was my mysteriously slow roommate, where would I be?"[/color] [i]Maybe they're just exploring. Might be a plan to start back at the auditorium and then circle out from there.[/i] [color=#F9EB7E]"Well look who finally decided to pipe up!"[/color] He said loudly. [color=#F9EB7E]"What kept you? I've asked for advice a good few times recently and gotten nothing!"[/color] [i]I'm a figment of your imagination, not your mother. You don't need me to decide what ridiculously unsuitable breakfast food you want to eat for dinner.[/i] [color=#F9EB7E]"Pretty sure you're essentially the voice of my brain, so yeah, I kind of do."[/color] He paused for a moment, before nodding. [color=#F9EB7E]"But yeah, the circling out thing [i]is[/i] actually a pretty good idea, so let's go with that. Just don't abandon me again. I made you to pretend I have friends, but that doesn't mean you get to leave if I actually make some, got it?"[/color] [i]Yeah, sure, whatever. Just hurry up and start searching before you get too antsy. I don't want us to fall off the sword because you were shaking too hard from excitement.[/i] [color=#F9EB7E]"Right! Let's go!"[/color] Michael shouted, before quickly dipping into a nosedive, quickly flying down towards the auditorium. He hopped off just to make a brief check inside, but as he'd [i]kind of[/i] expected, it was empty. It had been a good while by this point, so he guessed he shouldn't really be surprised. After that, he got back on his spear, this time sitting sidesaddle to be a little kinder on little mikey. Honestly he preferred his sword, but his legs were tired, and sitting on the sword just... just looked kind of [i]dumb.[/i] After just a few minutes of flying around, he arrived at the lobby. He was actually fairly surprised when he saw that there actually [i]was[/i] another student in there. She was holding a phone up to her ear, and from the sounds of things, she was [i]not[/i] pleased. He decided to listen in a little longer. From the sounds of it, it was something about... a boy roommate. Ah. [i]So, what's the plan, cap'n?[/i] [color=#F9EB7E]"Dunno."[/color] Michael responded, before realising that he was talking out loud and switched to replying mentally, just so nobody else would see him being too weird. Well, at least not at first. [color=#F9EB7E][i]I guess I should probably start with an introduction. Worked well enough with Jojo and... Genesis?[/i][/color] [i]Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was his name. They didn't start out actively hating you though.[/i] [color=#F9EB7E][i]True, true, but hey, what's the worst that could happen?[/i][/color] And so, ignoring the protests from the deeper parts of his brain, he walked over to the girl with a friendly grin on his face. It almost faded away when he realised how much taller than him she was, but through pure, shonen-esque force of will, he managed to push the jealousy back down and stay smiley. [color=#F9EB7E]"Uh, hi! Would you perhaps happen to be Amalia Stark?"[/color] He asked, holding out his hand to shake. He was [i]pretty sure[/i] she was, because his gut said so, and his gut was usually pretty dependable. [color=#F9EB7E]"My name is Michael Wilson. Nice to meetcha!"[/color]