[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190929/ace8bbf066b3359e331d072d64b95f94.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kRJqnuO.png?3[/img] "[color=FB8035]Thanks for the info.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Song Residential Home [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Sarah pulled out her phone and started texting a contact, this person was still a student but she held some information that was usually unknown to most. This [i]contact[/i] isn't a guardian, but she definitely knew of their existence, and surprisingly has kept her mouth shut about it for the past few years. After a few back and forth texts, a small list of names popped up on the message as to who this person suspects it could be. Sarah thanked her and promised to pay her within the day. Syndra then walked up to Sarah and she immediately put her phone away, "[color=FB8035]Well... Hurry, I have to go buy something on the way to the academy.[/color]" Said Sarah. She looked at Syndra then let out a small sigh, "[color=FB8035]Do you... Do you think Ahri would be okay? I'm kinda you know... Fucked just thinking about it, been tryna' lock in a box deep inside and shut it out but I can't, I can't stop thinking about what happened last night.[/color]" Said Sarah, the look of concern grew on her face as it would appear she had told Syndra all that woes her, there was definitely much more than that, but Ahri was priority.[/indent]