Lyida looked at him and sighed. She was about to speak when she felt the wold around her spin. She quickly ducked her head and and crouched down. She was feeling nauseous at least she was not going to puke. She slowly looked up and smiled as she saw the castle around her. She was suddenly thrown back into a room with him she watched as he formed the eggs she then looked at it. She took a deep breath and then slowly ran her hand around it. She caused the magic to swirl around. She smiled as she did. It was going to be worth it. She took a deep breath and gently took it in her hands she then pressed it to her chest. She waited a moment and suddenly felt an intense indescribable pain. She curled up on the ground whimpering as she did. Her tails wrapped around her and her ears flat against her head. She was going to beat this....she panted as she bit into a wooden rod she often carried in cases like this. She did not know how ling it was but she soon felt the pain ebb away. She went limp and passed out. Her last thoughts where "im not going to going to make this...."