[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6z6OZQx.png[/img] So her first meeting with a fellow student didn't go exactly according to plan, but when did anything ever go according to plan? Plans changed all the time! Once, her parents planned on taking her to an amusement park but then she put herself in a coma and also the amusement park was damaged heavily in some kind of fight between The Avengers and something evil and bad. Plans changed! For Riley, the new plan was simply to find someone - or something - else to focus on before her viewers got bored and left to go watch something else. Still, whatever that weird moody girl's problem was, Riley hoped she figured it out. How could anyone be sad or moody at a place like this? There were in the sky! At a school! In the [i]sky[/i]! Riley wasn't sure how long she could get away with live streaming her misadventures at hero school, but she figured if she was violating some kind of sacred rule that S.H.I.E.L.D. or something would do whatever they did and shut down her stream, though Riley figured if a government organization cared what some teenager did on the internet then it was an incredibly slow day. It wasn't like she was on the dark web or downloading a car or something. Harmless! What was the harm in showing people what the next generation of heroes would look like? Kamala Khan was once like Riley, a fangirl of the Avengers and such and now she was a top ten hero! Why, then, couldn't Riley follow in those embiggened footsteps? One day, the top ten heroes would have all been featured first on HulkStan62's stream. How cool was that? As Riley continued to wander around like a deer in headlights, balancing her act between looking at her stream chat and moving the phone camera in a circle as she spun-walk around the place, she hadn't planned on almost running into someone until, well, she did. The girl in question was taller than RIley and looked more mature by half, but Riley was focusing on two very specific things. The first, this girl called Riley pretty; the second, a question about 1-D. Somehow Riley didn't think she meant that one band that was hot for about a year. [color=A2CD48][b]"Oh! Hello, didn't see you there. Are you okay with being recorded? I'm kinda live right now to....wow, I'm almost at ten thousand. I'VE NEVER BEEN THAT HIGH BEFORE! Those are like...[i]famous[/i] numbers! Anyway, my name's HulkStan62...err...it's Riley. I don't know what a 1-D is, but it sounds like a place I should check out. Also, my chat is asking me to ask you if they can see your....tats? Oh, wait, no, that's an I not an A. Ignore that."[/b][/color] Riley had a feeling this one would go better. It had to! [sub][@BrutalBx][/sub] [hr][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IWyxPsD.png[/img] Slower? [I]Slower?[/i] Said the brother who needed an accessory to fly. The room clearly heard that she was first, though Soren never missed an opportunity to try and jab an elbow into her side. It was only fitting given that she would do the same if the opportunity presented itself. It was part of their charm. Charm that Charlotte had hoped to display to at least one of the two girls that had been in the room her brother and she entered. What could she say? Charlotte was a creature of confidence and she took charge. She might not have known the others, but calling dibs was as much an admission of curiosity as it was a declaration of intent to wow an to woo. [b][color=#ff0532]"Please, you only called dibs because I said it first. At least I remember their names. Speaking of-."[/color][/b] Smooth. In her estimation anyway. [b][color=#ff0532]"I'm-"[/color][/b] Before Charlotte could properly introduce herself, there was a sudden noise and an unexpected arrival in the form of a girl literally falling into Soren's arms like the gods were simultaneously rewarding him and aiding her. [b][color=#ff0532]"You see, this is what I mean. You call 'dibs' but the second someone else so much as...falls into your lap you change your mind. It's a wonder [i]anyone[/i] gives you the time of day."[/color][/b] Charlotte was sure Soren wasn't even paying attention, which was why she took the time to sigh, shake her head, and return to the more immediate matter of introductions. [b][color=#ff0532]"Anyway, the idiot who thinks only with his smaller head is my brother, Soren. I'm Charlotte, and I apologize for calling dibs, though unlike my brother I obviously meant it."[/color][/b] Never miss a chance to jab the elbow into the side. [b][color=#ff0532]"Are either of you a...HulkStan62?"[/color][/b] [sub][@Hey Im Jordan][@KZOMBI3][@Silver Carrot][/sub][/center]