[h2]Yharnam[/h2] "A little girl...?" Another ragged cough. This one sounded rather... wet, as if the speaker had coughed up something rather more precious then he would have hoped. But without being able to see him, there was no way to tell if that was the case or not. "Ah... I can't be certain if this is the one you're looking for, but another Hunter lives with his family down the main street. They have two daughters, one who sounds quite like the girl you're describing." He paused for a moment, letting out another flurry of coughs. "I'm guessing she must be in danger, or something like that, right? If that's the case, head down the main street, pass under the bridge, and keep to your right. I'm sure there will be some beasts in your path... but at least you're the type to be ready for them." [@PKMNB0Y][@RolePlayerRoxas][@Raineh Daze] [hr] [h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] The rumbling left Youmu with her hand on Roukanken's hilt, as she swiftly glanced around the area. Nothing here seemed to have changed significantly, but if the half-phantom was correct that sort of sound within a cave could indicate an imminent collapse. As a result, she was certain that they had to take the transformed girl and leave as quickly as they possibly could. "... If there's a new opponent, I'll cut it down in an instant," she said, even as she glanced around. The small, silvery-haired girl took a deep breath. "If the doorway into this world was anything like the one I passed through to get here, it should work from both sides. ... I think. The important thing is that we need to get her back to my world quickly." [@KoL][@PKMNB0Y]