[center][h3]Haiki Benara[/h3] [6 ATC 5] [i]Korriban- The Tombs, Exterior[/i][/center] [hr] [b]Interactionsn- Open Mentions -[/b] [@Fallenreaper]Dash, [@Almalthia] Tish, [@Elvenqueen] Aria, [@vFear] Atria, [@Bea] [hr] Today would not be another failure. The past few weeks had been little more than a string of humiliations for Haiki. First, He'd been beaten into submission in unarmed sparring twice when he'd previously been top of the class. Next he'd had a part he needed to upgrade J4N4 stolen from him by some idiot with more raw strength than sense. Of course, he'd barely survived his little side project from Overseer Cessair. That had been a victory of sorts, but still far too humiliating. No, today would be different. There were new students here, some looking too old to be anything but recent captures, the Zeltron mutt specifically. Another Zabrak, a human, but no, nobody he remembered. That was good, they wouldn't know his tactics. He knew how he must look to them too. Small, scrawny, milky skin swirled through with dark, ugly bruises from lost sparring matches. Let them think him weak. While they were busy underestimating him he would sweep past them all... ...or so he hoped. "If any of you do piss yourselves, maybe you'll be less appetizing for whatever they have waiting in there. I'd be far more concerned about becoming some Tuk'ata's meal." He tried to sound almost lazy, despite the nightmarish encounters he'd had with the beasts in the past. still, he had to suppress the urge to shiver that came with a growing coldness in his chest, a sudden heaviness in his limbs. Not weakness, no. Caution born of experience. Horrid, agonizing experience... [b]No![/b] That wouldn't happen again! He would [b]never[/b] be prey again! Even if he had to feed each and every one of these fools to the Sith Hounds in his place.