[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190802/0616f4a80dda654441ab56364799a64d.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tUlzKPP.jpg?1[/img] "[color=20C192]Straight to it.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Hoon's Apartment, Corona Park[/b] [/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Interaction: [/b][/right][/sub] [sub][right][b] Mentions: [@Pyxis] [/b][/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Hoon smiled after seeing Lilith's response, she shifted her body to move slightly to the side when Lilith mentioned she'd skip the theatrics and move on the R18 stuff. She had placed her elbows on the counter as her legs crossed in for a moment, she went red for a moment before shaking it off since she was pretty sure Lilith was sick of her getting embarrassed all the time when she was around her. Though Lilith did bring out the best in her, Aria was constantly smiling and is genuinely happy now because of it, she had never felt so good in years and she was thankful of that. "[color=20C192]Uh... W-Wow, s-straight to it huh, uh... Okay...[/color]" She cleared her throat and moved closer to Lilith, rubbing her shoulder against her, she turned her head and nodded at her when she asked if they were ready to leave. Her attachment to Lilith just kept growing and growing, she didn't want to leave her side whenever they were together. Heres hoping her sense of abandonment doesn't kick in, she wouldn't want to scare Lilith. As they went downstairs and back onto Lilith's vehicle, she said "[color=20C192]It's really cool that you play along with shenanigans so much, I appreciate that Lil...[/color]" Realising she had just given her a nickname, she correct it, "[color=20C192]-Lith...[/color]" She didn't know if she had the credibility to do that yet, she hadn't been in a relationship in so long that sit just felt a bit weird, what if she thinks she's weird, a small panic insured within Hoon, up until they got in Lilith's truck. "[color=20C192]You said you're saving up for a new car, uh... Why not a Hyundai? Elise has a Hyundai, and I'm a little bit biased because Hyundai is Korean, b-but I do like the slickness, I dunno, i-it's just a suggestion.[/color]" Said Hoon before they drove off towards Corona park.[/indent]