[Center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/342457574106333204/439777630695194624/blake_66.jpg[/img][/center] [Center][B][h1][color=92278f]Ruby Mamoru[/color][/h1][/b][/center] Cops and robbers, huh? Now that just sounds convenient to Ruby. After all, her quirk was practically made for restraining and detaining people, she wouldn't even need the tape for it. However, before she got too much into thinking strategy for this little exercise, she glanced over to a particular figure approaching her. One whose presence she did not exactly expect in this environment. Just before she was able to say anything to Amane after making eye-contact with him, he would point out her tail. This prompted Ruby to quickly look at her tail and, sure enough, it was swaying. [color=92278f]"Tsk"[/color] It was painfully easy to tell her emotions through the subtle notions of her body, while her face, in contrast, gave hardly any information about her state of mind. She'd really have to work on suppressing those kinds of things. Since Amane had caught her so off guard, she had no clever rebuttal or anything of the sorts to what he said to her. However, before she had any chance to say anything at all he had already walked past her. Once again she missed the chance to reply and was left dumbfounded. Not take them lightly? Of course, she wouldn't take them lightly! While frustrated at Amane's statement, it did make the catgirl think again. Maybe he had a point. Obviously, since he wasn't familiar with her quirk too much, he wouldn't know her gameplan was, but his implications were enough to make Ruby reconsider. Yes, in theory, it would be easy to touch them and thus detain them for a while, or at least render them motionless until something else could be done. But to get to that point she'd have to get close enough to touch them first! Considering what Amane had said, this almost trivial task would probably end up being [i]much[/i] more difficult than initially anticipated by her. Once the class had grouped up to form a strategy, Dulga was quick to take the lead on giving directions and ideas. And quite frankly, they seemed reasonable enough. Honestly, Ruby was just happy to be considered the leader of her team, even if that did not mean much. In her mind it was a sort of acknowledgment of her skill and that alone was enough to satisfy her. Eventually, Dulga had finished her explanation of her plan. It was then when Ruby was able to add something. She lifted her right hand and used her left hand to point at her palm. [color=92278f]"If I touch them just once with my hand I can render them completely immobile thanks to my quirk. They won't be able to move or retaliate, as long as they wear clothes anyway since I can only freeze those. However, while they probably won't be able to do much in that state, we cannot move them into any cell whatsoever either as it becomes impossible to move them by then. I suggest we use that time to let Hammer Team do damage to them because, quite frankly, I probably won't be able to really damage them myself."[/color] She added the last part due to her acknowledgment of their massive skill difference after what Amane had said. [color=92278f]"So just let me touch them and finish those who are locked down off, ideally before my quirk wears off. Even if that is probably easier said than done..."[/color] This was all Ruby wanted to add for now. The plan Dulga thought of seemed solid in theory, all that was missing would be the execution.