[COLOR=lightgray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HFoT5PK.png[/img][/center][hr][color=767692][b]Time:[/b][/color]Dusk, 18:20 [color=767692][b]Location:[/b][/color] On the beach near the East woods. [color=767692][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] N/A [color=767692][b]Ambiance:[/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEnd8JIMii4]Beach waves, video of sunset[/url] [hr] Digging his bare feet into the damp sand, Boris was sitting in an almost fetal like position as he hugged his knees. He was only wearing ripped jean shorts and a wet stained white tank top. The wind felt cold, and even colder was the water that reached his feet every few moments. But this cold was nothing compared to what he had to endure back in Ukraine, in fact he almost found it comforting that the cold of autumn wasn't all that threatening. He thought it would be relaxing to come see the sun set, as he watched the shadows around him get long and hard, only part of the sun still lingering at the corner of the horizon. But he didn't feel relaxed. Today was harder than others, old feelings he has been trying to bury resurfaced as they do every once in a while. People at the pool showed to be concerned for him, which made him uncomfortable. He asked to leave early and hurried away, walking all the way to the beach before realizing he left his shoes back at work. Walking barefoot in the middle of autumn, he noticed that people stared at him, crossing the street to avoid him. He was built strong and tall, and he supposed walking barefoot might've made him look threatening and a little crazy. Having lived for years without wearing any shoes at all, he's still too used to being barefoot at all times. He finds wearing shoes unnecessary, and is often bothered by the customs that are forced on him ever since moving to Ember Grove. He buried his face on his knees, as day turns to night, hoping that something, anything, would happen to help me get his mind off of things. He hummed to himself, a soothing sound, dulcet tones creating a wordless melody, something to help him drift away to a reassuring Neverland. It was the same melody his mom used to sing him and his sister to sleep. Finally, a good memory resurfaced instead. [/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GrLZofm.png[/img][/center][hr][color=83bf7e][b]Time:[/b][/color] Dusk [color=83bf7e][b]Location:[/b][/color] Alexei's [color=83bf7e][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] Rose, who's tending the bar [@Tae] [hr] As Kade entered the bar, he flinched as his pistol vibrated violently. It usually emits a slight vibration at the presence of vampires, but he supposed there are many of them in this bar. He placed his hand on his pistol, hidden under his shirt, to let it know he acknowledged its warning so that the vibration can stop. He made his way to the bar, and watched as one of the tending hosts lead three individuals to a back door. He gestured to the bartender left in charge. [color=83bf7e]"Hey sweetheart, Johnnie Walker Black Label served over ice, please."[/color] He then glanced at the bottles on display behind her, [color=83bf7e]"and if you don't have that, then I'll have whatever good whiskey you got."[/color] he said, shooting her a charming smile. He anticipated that if the bartender is aware of the supernatural, he might look suspicious to her. He's new here. And he's definitely not a regular. But hey, if the whiskey is good, he's going to be.